New to the game

Dustin B.

New member
Apr 22, 2016
Just ordered my first ML, a CVA Accura ML. Here's my laundry list of newbie questions:

With the exception of the scope, this should be "legal" in all states except ID, WA and OR right?

To shoot BH209 powder I need a BH209 breechplug?

I plan on hunting MT and CO so no sabots. I'll eventually need to get it drilled and tapped for open/fiber sights for CO.
Initial thoughts on loads would be 100g Trip7, 209 primer (not sure which manufacturer yet, not really sure if that is critical) and the powerbelt aerolites 250g to get started.

How far off the mark am I so far?

Thanks in advance!
BH209 needs hot flame so I'd suggest a new breech plug if that's what you're going to use...also use the "hot" 209 primers like Federal and NOT the ones designed for muzzleloaders. Honestly I'd stay away from muzzleloader 209 primers regardless of powder choice. After my experience with BH209 it will be my ONLY powder for inline shooting.
I no exactly sure about the legality in ID, WA, and OR but that sounds about right. You are correct with MT and CO being no sabots in weapons restricted or muzzleloader only units. In MT if you are hunting a general unit that allows rifle hunting you can use sabots which is what I plan to do with antelope (pending a drawing)
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I second the Blackhorn 209 powder and the breech plug. 90-100 grains is plenty. Never shot the areo-lite powerbelts but have shot lots of powerbelt bullets and they are O.K. for me. Me and my friends use the 295 grain for deer and the 348 for elk.
This year I will doing a deer/elk combo hunt ,so I think I will stick to the 348 grain. Where I hunt in Colorado a 60 yard shot would be max. Thick timber will not let me see any further.

Have fun with your new rifle !
Most Accuras come w BH 209-ready breech plug/nipple from the factory. If you put an aperture or ghost ring iron rear sight on it, that will screw into the scope mounting holes. Bet you love it.
Dustin-- The ML should come already tapped for iron sights front and rear. I shoot an Accura V2 and it came with the one piece scope mount but already was tapped for irons and they have small screws in them to protect the threads.

BH209 Breech plug-- absolutely need this if it isn't included it he package. You will not get the ignition you want from a standard plug. Its the different between drinking through a straw or a garden hose.

I had great results in the 100-105gr range BY VOLUME of BH209. However- I weigh my charges to get as tight tolerance as I can and it works out around 77gr by weight. Keep in mind with blackpowder 99% of the time folks are referencing powder charge by Volume not weight. Big difference-- you won't want to weigh out 150gr of BH209 and let it rip.....

Good luck and enjoy-- they are great rifles.
So, got my muzzleloader in, it's so purdy:D
Got to the range for the first serious session (went once but was just shooting to get the feel for loading and recoil, plus I had forgot rangefinder and binos).
Shooting 90g BH, 100y, 4 shot groups. PB 245g Aerotip copper shot a 2.5" group. PB 250g Aerolite shot a 4" group but the second group was hitting the holes of the first group. Had bought the Federal BorLoc but am wanting to return them, read some awful reviews.
Any recommendations on another bullet to try?
Also, looking for ideas on how you pros carry all the odds and ends when hunting, fanny pac, pockets, small gear bag. Any way to help keep the smell down? While I oddly like the way burnt black powder smells, I'm sure deer don't.
Anybody here tried the spin jag?
Thanks for all the up front comments and looking forward to the comment to come!
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