New to Shed Hunting HERE

WH's OutdoorsChick

New member
Nov 14, 2003
Rochester, Washington
I was wondering instead of asking on each post, I would like to hear what you guys usually do with your Sheds??

I Personally would LOVE a Chandelier made out of Antlers!!! hump hump hump
some i sell, some i use to build lamps and other horn art stuff,and the ones i cant use or sell......i throw them in my wifes flower do the flowers love those horns........hump hump
Some I use for decoration the rest go in my antler bucket which is starting to overflow a bit. I don't have the luxury of finding any real great ones. I'll never sell any of them.
Give em away, sell em, or throw em in the garden for squirrel bait. II'm getting pretty good with the pellet gun.
I keep the ones that still look like antlers...the rest that are chalky and busted I give to my mom for her garden...Same with all the skulls they look pretty good going up the stairs in the backyard. The rest I keep in my room and in the gun room. I have 4 Totes full of antlers in my room...and another 4 in the gun room...Then there are the ones on my shelves and by the are about everywhere in the house...the dog even has one to chew there are lots of uses!
i throw mine in the flower gardens whole and let time take its course......they decay more and more every year.The flowers love them.....:D :D
the little ones or bad one I leave in the field.
Big'uns I bring home and chunk 'em around the garden
All the nice ones I use for art deco in the house.
Like you I'd like to get a couple of lamps and a chandelier some day.
The ones that get to the garden are ones that should have been left where they were found....When my dad and I first started shed hunting we brought home everything.....and at the end of the first year we had a ton of antlers that were just the base or about 10" of antler....I would guess that there is probably around 150 that are like that in the tote I gave my mom
I sell them. NOthing sentimental here. One of the guys I sell them to is hunting for Elkgunner. He says that one would look great.. well, nevermind.

Seriously, I sell them to a knifemaker I know who uses them in his work and I sell them to a guy in Flaggstaff who makes antler furniture.

I also give a couple to the kid up the street when his dad brings him down to visit. Seems his Mom throws them away. When the kid notices they are gone, he goes ballistic. So his Dad brings him up to my house, I give him a new one. He enjoys it for a while and then sticks it under the bed. His Mom pulls it out and throws it away. After a month or so, the kid notices it's gone and we start over.


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