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New to MT Turkey Hunting

  • Thread starter Deleted member 28227
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Deleted member 28227

Wondering if anyone could provide some general Montana turkey advice. I just started hunting turkeys in Montana and I am trying to figure out where I can find some birds. I live in Bozeman and I know I need to get out to at least Sweetgrass county to legally hunt with a general tag. I went out there last year found some birds around big timber on various pieces of private, knocked on 4 doors and was refused permission at each. I put a ton of miles on my boots and miles on my truck, but it seems like most birds in south central Montana are on private land and it appears from the regs that BMA's are closed to spring Turkey hunting, correct me if this is wrong. Thus it seems like I need to go much further east to find public land with birds, probably Rosebud, Powder River, and Custer counties.

Would love to find someone in the bozeman area who wants to chase some birds as well, if anyone is looking for a hunting buddy as well.
You are correct that alot of the birds in this part of the state are on private..... that said a Gazetteer Map or better yet a Onx Maps chip is your best friend. I have killed literally dozens of south-central MT birds on some really small and overlooked pieces of State or BLM land. Hit the hills with your maps in those areas you are seeing birds and start checking off every piece of accessible public land. Once you find birds on few of those spots, you can bet there will be birds in there every spring. My map book and gps are littered with lots of notes on spots I have found them. Do the work and you will for sure find some decent spots.
The NWTF has a pretty active chapter in Bozeman. Not only do we BS about turkeys and turkey hunting, we are putting together JAKES educational days in town. Not all of our volunteers turkey hunt a ton, like I do, but they all believe in our mission, and I'm converting a few to chase spring gobblers. Let me know if you are interested!
Glad to hear success is possible last season made me think it was a fools errand to chase birds west of billings on public ground.
The NWTF has a pretty active chapter in Bozeman. Not only do we BS about turkeys and turkey hunting, we are putting together JAKES educational days in town. Not all of our volunteers turkey hunt a ton, like I do, but they all believe in our mission, and I'm converting a few to chase spring gobblers. Let me know if you are interested!

Sounds like fun I would definitely be interested in talking turkeys and meeting fellow hunters!
Similar boat here

Missoula based, pulled a tag for Mineral County but want to Spring hunt elsewhere too. I'm a newbie to Turkeys and would love to find a hunting buddy or two to learn some tips and tricks with gobblers...
Thinking of trying to hike in around Hamilton / Darby

... some public land there but how accessible is it?
it appears from the regs that BMA's are closed to spring Turkey hunting, correct me if this is wrong. Thus it seems like I need to go much further east to find public land with birds, probably Rosebud, Powder River, and Custer counties.
Just because the BMA's are no enrolled at that time of year doesn't mean they don't allow hunting, it just means they wont be compensated by the state through a contract. It sure cant hurt to ask!
I'm doing recon this weekend about how accessible some of the public lands are in Mineral (have tag) and around Hamilton and will let you know if I see any birds too.
The NWTF has a pretty active chapter in Bozeman. Not only do we BS about turkeys and turkey hunting, we are putting together JAKES educational days in town. Not all of our volunteers turkey hunt a ton, like I do, but they all believe in our mission, and I'm converting a few to chase spring gobblers. Let me know if you are interested!
Hey I am a freshmen at MSU and looking to get involved in yall's group and was wondering when the next meeting was? Just looking to figure out how you guys hunt out here in the fall and spring.