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New to hunting and new to hunt talk(Colorado)


New member
Aug 16, 2019
Hello all,

Last year I want on my first hunt in Colorado's 3rd rifle for elk, didn't even shot off but saw plenty of elk. The hunting pressure was just to high to get get close. This year I have 2 cow tags in gmu 15 and 27 (2nd rifle) which are neighboring units. There's plenty of public land so I'm taking my 12 yr old daughter with me she also has the same tags I have. If there is anyone with and tips on how to make this hunt successful I would greatly appreciate the feedback.

The first part of your post sounds like I wrote it about myself. Hope you have better luck this year. I will not make it out west this year.
Just don't make your kiddo miserable and you'll have a hunting partner for life! Some tips from what I've learned while dragging my kids around. Best of luck.

You'll find more than a few CO folks posting regularly on HT, despite the steady breeze from MT. A diverse and knowledgeable group here, most w a strong passion for our American heritage of public lands and the North American model of hunting/conservation. That is what really makes this forum different and worth the effort. Welcome and good luck this fall.