new to forum

gar man

New member
Mar 5, 2003
southwest missouri
hello to all
i am new to this forum, but have been reading it for a couple of days now. great sight. i am from southwest missouri and i am planning a trip to idaho this fall trouble is not sure were to go. we are planning to go into unit 28 up panther creek. does anybody have any info on that location? we also have acsess to 8000 acres of private land in the tex creek or tex county unit. can't remember what the name is off the top of my head. what would some of you more experiance guys do? and if anyone is coming to missouri i will help all i can. thanks for any info.
Ithica .. where is "anywhewre"
I just did that becasue you were tesing MD4me in another post

HEY GAR, welcome aboard 'Mate !! I've been over to Tex creek and if it's over in Eastern Idaho I'd stick with that area... Especially if you have access to good land !! I've heard good things of Panther Cr. but don't know that area all that well
Welcome, and don't none of these rotten bastards offend ya, they just forget their manners for a bit. need any help with west MT, I'll be glad to throw some fuel on the fire for ya.
Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth gar man. Glad to see you came to your senses and joined Hunt Talk. It is a perty good place to hang out when you are not hunting.
Welcome Gar man. I'm fairly new here too. Mostof these guys are O.K. But ya gots to be careful when you post pictuers. If you are cheezin' it for the camera don't post it. These guys will razz you and say you look like some funky looking goon.
guys thanks for the warm welcome. if there is anything i can answer from missouri let me know. turkeys and whitetail is about all we have oh and some pretty big fish. i will be asking alot of elk hunting questions so don't get to annoyed at me. i have already read quite abit from the archives. theres alot of info in there. but the idaho elk is what i am after. well turkey season is right around the corner and spoonbill season starts the 15th so theres plenty to be doing. thanks guys
if they get annoyed its there own dumb arses. oh and by the way we dont like any name calling around here.welcome
Welcome Gar Man... as your name implies, can you teach us something about catching gar?

Just watch out for Moosie... he gets a little wierd every now and then. Something muxst've gone real wrong whn whe was a child.
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