New Sportsman's Group

New groups pop up monthly. They'd probably be better off if they'd just get involved with an already established group, but it seems nobody wants to do that. Everyone would rather start a new group. So are we better off with lots of small groups or a few big ones? I think it's more economically feasible to have a few big ones.
Stumbled upon this. Looks like this group has managed to stick it out for a few years since these posts were made. Anyone have anything new to report on them? Are they in fact fighting for the cause? True though...lots of these popping up, hard to figure out which are genuine and will make the long haul.
Agree with a couple points on here. It would be better to join already exisiting groups to give them more strength. Also, there is a big difference between taking good care of our public lands versus creating more Wild Land (federal govt.) projects and creating more wilderness designations or national monument designations, etc.

Language like "aggressive protection of wilderness.......", etc can be a sign of radical agendas and the like. We have enough of those already.

Not saying that is the case with this group but caution is advised.

We have enough wilderness...according to who?

What percentage of public lands, by agency, do we currently have designated?

Do the current designated wilderness areas encompass a representative cross section of public lands, habitat types, etc?

The upside to wilderness is that there isnt a downside.
Buzz, I am too tired to fight, but would like to see a couple rounds with BHills.:D
You don't make more wilderness, It is what it is. How it's designated is a whole other thing.
By the way you manage it, there can only be less, of what there is now.

They're trying to lock us out of our public lands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How are "THEY" Locking you out of our public lands? We asked the Forest Service to close roads during hunting season to help the elk migrate. All we heard was how we were locking the public out from their public lands. Your restricted, not locked. If your not willing to live with the restrictions, then your SOL, but not locked.
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Hard to know about the group? I am a skeptic & why it took me several years to jump on here. I am one and done I'm afraid, so hopefully this OYOA group stays around. (I also hope the RMEF, DU and Pheasants Forever are working to agressively protect our rights, wilderness, freedoms and liberties as it relates to the outdoors.)
What do you think?

Backcountry Hunters and Anglers (Link)

Backcountry Hunters and Anglers is dedicated to quality and ethical hunting and fishing opportunities in the wildlands of North America, and the aggressive protection of wilderness and other backcountry habitat for fish and wildlife, upon which these great traditions depend.

Mission statement and objectives (Link)


I've worked with BHA for years now and am always impressed with their ethic, and their dedication to habitat protection and conservation. These guys are serious back country freaks. As an organization, they've consistently stood up for sound land management and for all species of wildlife, including grizz. You have guys like Tom Reed, Ben Long and Joel Webster on the board, all of whom have serious cred when it comes to putting in miles both in DC and in the hills.

I gladly give my money to BHA.
I was always going to put one of those bumper stickers on my truck, but always figured some inbred would slash my tires at the trailhead.

SS-you must be one of those radical, wolf lovin, enviro, hippies!!!
You got me figured out Dink. You do see a lot of hippies trapping don't you? Here's Fisher, most hippies would love to trap, right? Notice the long hair.

How about building Medial Centers? Most radical hippies have the where with all to do that.

You going to answer my question. How are you being locked out of wilderness by this group?


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Language like "aggressive protection of wilderness.......", etc can be a sign of radical agendas and the like. We have enough of those already.

That kind of language is vague enough to make you think that it means something that it doesn't. It usually means "Keep our wilderness wild by keeping everyone out of it". It is a good thing to be skeptical of all groups that you aren't familiar with until you find out what they are really after. Ben Lamb's recommendation is good enough for me. It's nice to find someone with personal contact with these organizations. I do want to support politically active organizations that are for hunting, fishing and free public access to do it, but I want them to be effective.
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