Kenetrek Boots

New song "Snow Capped Romance"

Mini Moose

New member
Dec 10, 2000
Pocatello, ID, USA
You break my heart into 1000 pieces,
And you say its because I deserve better,
I don’t understand now,
Maybe its for the best,

I learn something new everyday,
But you’re still the same in my eyes,
Nothing has changed but an outlook,
You are still the closest to my heart,
No matter what happens I’ll always be there,
To lend a helping hand when no one cares,

I’ll show you what I deserve,
Here comes another curve,
Of self mutilation a destiny,
My blood riddled hands seeping from my wrist,
Look at what has become of me,
A heart frozen over with hate,
For me left by myself,
Another snow capped romance,

To bad you’re beautiful,
Cause its making this hard,
As my heart stops beating,
Covered in my own blood,
Curdling more with every second,
So now do I still deserve better,
As the slice in my wrist peels away from itself,
You sit and watch with a smile,
As I die smiling thinking of you


What I have in my heart,
I will take to my grave,
So take this razor sign your name across my wrist,
So everyone will know who left me like this

Chorus 2x
Thanks for sharing that Mini. That is just a little unnerving which is dead on for your genre. Are you guys still playing sometimes?
Minnie Moose... My son [Cliff]and his band just "played' at the Marquee theater in Tempe,Az if you are ever down in the Valley[AZ] check it out....This is a Venue for new talent to showcase its stuff ,,,its always loaded with record industry people....You might want to try writing your stuff and put it down with some good old "Blues" tracks....or look for this type of club in your area...turn your sorrow/misery into something positive... some of the best stuff comes from hard times.

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