New scoring system


Dec 23, 2000
So I was showing my wife a picture of a huge typical muley posted on another forum and she was commenting on the spread of the buck. I told her that the spread on that buck was actually a deduction, because it was wider than the main beams were long. She rolled her eyes and said she was going to start a new records book called "Marni's kick-ass shit." :D She said to send in a picture....if it's cool, it's in. She said the B&C rules sounded like someone was sitting in the den with their brandy snifter while composing them: "...spread credit can equal but not exceed the length of...."
The B&C scoring system could use some improvement. Some people think a way to score should be by placing the horns/antlers in a tank of water and scoring by the total displacement of water. What a debate hunters could have about the best scoring system!
Uh oh, looks like the scrotum got his computer up and running again. What's it been about three years? I'm suprised you kept the handle beardown. I thought you were changing it to your other favorite handle, freehandjobs......
My biggest (and really only) problem with B&C scoring is the deductions taken off of a non typical racks typical frame. If you're going to count the abnormals then the other differences should count IMO.
Oak, on spread, would it be considered a deduction or just something you don't get credit for. Maybe these are the same thing, but I have been hearing lots of people calling it a deduction lately. If that is the case, do I get to include all of the spread for gross?:D

OK, I will put the crack pipe down now.;)
I agree...B&C needs a overhaul.

Nontypicals for example get deductions for symmetry from side to side :confused: nontypicals are exactly that, nontypical, measure everything and no deductions.
You're right, Miller. No deduction for excessive spread apparently. Now I'm wondering how I've been doing it all these years.:confused: I guess if you follow the score sheets exactly, only the spread credit is considered in the gross score as well. Sorry...;)
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