New Scope | 300 yards in low-light

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No disagreement there.

I find the backfire guy to be mostly a tool, but it came up when i was trying to find a picture of an animal through a scope.
Lol not my picture, but whitetails are much smaller than cows.
Sure, didn't think y'all were doing that. Article is very illustrative of the point... but big yikes.
Not to pile on but 16x is way more than I'd use at 300 yards. I can't imagine needing more magnification than that. I shoot out to 400 at 4x all the time when practicing. No problem picking up 6 and 8 inch plates.
It's shocking how unhelpful folks are on this side of the forum. On others, I see many folks that do their best to help. FYI - I have 20/20 vision but just want more out of my optics so I can take a shot that I feel is precise and ethical.
Hilarious troll.

6X fixed will cover your needs.
The ego on some of you guys is appalling.

Think what you will about the posted write-up, but it accurately displays my dilemma. I'm uncomfortable with the view being presented. Other people can be satisfied with it - I am not - so stop telling me to be when there are tons of options out there that can help me resolve the issue as I've defined it.

Again, looking for feedback on that list.
I don't argue that it's entertaining, I'm just wondering if it's built to handle that kind of recoil

Ain't nothing magic about muzzleloader recoil compared to anything else.
If you don't have a Zero Compromise or Tangent Theta on your muzzleloader you're just a Fudd looking to wound animals. Get the ZCO 8-40x and don't look back.

The only scope on your list that I would consider is the NF ATACR 7-35 and that's only if you want to be considered poor amongst internet snipers. All these guys chirping about shooting 300 yards with 3-9's obviously don't have any real life experience.
The ego on some of you guys is appalling.

Think what you will about the posted write-up, but it accurately displays my dilemma. I'm uncomfortable with the view being presented. Other people can be satisfied with it - I am not - so stop telling me to be when there are tons of options out there that can help me resolve the issue as I've defined it.

Again, looking for feedback on that list.

The Trijicon is well built and hold up just fine to recoil or anything else you throw at it.
The ego on some of you guys is appalling.

Think what you will about the posted write-up, but it accurately displays my dilemma. I'm uncomfortable with the view being presented. Other people can be satisfied with it - I am not - so stop telling me to be when there are tons of options out there that can help me resolve the issue as I've defined it.

Again, looking for feedback on that list.
You're not going to get feedback on that list because for hunting that level of magnification isn't necessary. Regardless of what you think, the experience (not opinion) of the vast majority here is the 4-16 is more than enough and likely too much for shooting. You're trying to invalidate experience because you don't like the answer. If you want to shell out $2k-5k for a scope to shoot 300 yards then do it but it's not going to make you a better shooter.

Having killed deer and antelope well past 300 yards with a 3-9 scope without issue, I will say it's a YOU problem that the 4-16 isn't working for you.

EDIT: if it's light issues then you're very likely hunting dangerously close (and very likely past) legal shooting light and even then the Zeiss 4-16 will be plenty.
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I’m going to be mounting a Leupold 3x9x40 on a 7mm08 this afternoon for my daughter. Plan is to have her shooting out to 400.
Ok, since you asked me. 300 yards is a pretty good poke for ANY muzzleloader in a hunting situation. I don't care how much you spent for it. Targets are different than an actual animal. Which leads me to my final question. If you can't see where to shoot on a deer how are you able to see the target when practicing at that range? If you can focus on a + on paper you damn well should be able to pick a spot on a deer. As far as light goes, it's the same for everyone. If it's too dark to make out the target, go home and wait for the next day.
This thread is the epitome of "opinions are like assholes, everyone has one". Again, I couldn't give two shits about what you use and makes you comfortable. We're talking about taking life from an animal - and if I say I'm uncomfortable doing so with my equipment at a certain range, I sure as hell am not going to consider voices which say "it's more than enough / too much / my dick is 40" long and I can do it with a fixed 4x".

@jt13 - My feedback regarding muzzleloader recoil is that when I see a lot of these scopes being classified as "target scopes", I have concern that they won't be able to withstand the recoil of a .50cal vs. a .223 / .243. I had a Vortex at one point and shooting with it caused internal damage and you couldn't see anything out of it. Literally black.

@Schism - Honestly, so many of these folks are 5' tall and drive lifted pickups. But man, thanks for making me aware of the ZC840. That is wicked looking, especially since I can get it with the MPCT1X reticle. Beautiful! I like it better than the Tangent Theta 7-35x56mm.

@brockel - I really like the Trijicon as well, and it's quite affordable in comparison to some of the others.

I'd like to hear some additional input on the Trijicon (SFP), Nightforce (FFP), and the ZCO (FFP).

My opinion you are going to hate FFP at that range unless you are always going to leave it on it’s highest power
To your point, if you are uncomfortable at that range get closer! You still didn't answer the question of seeing the bullseye at 300 yards.
Would a lighted reticle be what you want or maybe something with a small center point in the crosshairs like the Leupold FireDot? The FireDot really pulls your eyes and is a small point to look at and at distance is pretty dang small which allows you to focus on a minute spot on the target.

We're working with an 8-10" target on a whitetail deer, lots of room for an very lethal (and quick) shot which many of the guys you're mad at make on a regular basis. A couple of them make tiny groups at that distance with fixed 6x scopes so I'm wondering if it's actually a reticle issue.
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