Yeti GOBOX Collection

New ruger american Gen II

Held one yesterday in the store . Barrel was dead nuts down the stock channel . Action much improved . Didn’t care for the blocky magazine . Might try one in the tried and true 270 instead of the new dangled pronoun cartridges .
If it can handle surplus 5.56 well I just might have to get one of these as a yote gun
I was able to get out today, had to check zero on another rifle and grabbed a box of Hornady 55gr I had, got it moved to the center and grouped these 3 together, prone off bipod and rear bag, should be a good 1, I'll mess around and find a load, got a couple of sample packs of hammers coming to try and Mcarbo spring. The 2 on the right were not part of the group I moved it a little too far left. 100yrds20240204_185301.jpg20240130_202822.jpg
Bringing this thread back from the dead. I got one of these for my son in .300 BO, what are my options for a 3 rd mag? I hate this giant 10 rd. mag sticking out of the bottom.
Bringing this thread back from the dead. I got one of these for my son in .300 BO, what are my options for a 3 rd mag? I hate this giant 10 rd. mag sticking out of the bottom.
If you are wanting to shoot subs you will definitely need the Lancer 300 BO mags. I got the 10 rd mags and they feed good with subs, the mags they send with the rifle will not feed correctly. Don't know if they make a 3 or 5 rd mag.