New Poster

Thanks to all!

Yep retirement is good. I enjoy reading posts from the members. We too have our share of wildlife issues in my part of the country (Alabama). It seems that a great deal of my time was spent dealing with these issues. As if we didn't have enough issues, we have been dealing with feral hogs, coyotes, armadillos, collared doves and many other species. LOL I could write volumes.
Thanks to all!

Yep retirement is good. I enjoy reading posts from the members. We too have our share of wildlife issues in my part of the country (Alabama). It seems that a great deal of my time was spent dealing with these issues. As if we didn't have enough issues, we have been dealing with feral hogs, coyotes, armadillos, collared doves and many other species. LOL I could write volumes.
Looking forward to hearing some stories from the past. They're usually pretty interesting and most of us can learn something new, or reinforce a good lesson learned.

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