Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

New Muzzleloader help

I shoot in .54 cal////425 gr hornady hphb conical with 80 or 90 grains 777 2f powder and cci#11 magnum caps...250 yrds is achievable but i gotta put 30" of lift on it at 250 when zeroed at 100 yrds,,,has worked well for me .this is the hunter model w 1 in 32 twist barrel.knocks em down hard.

Awesome! I need to try some conicals. I have had mine since 93' and have only shot round balls and have never taken game with it. I want to change that.

Mine is the 50 cal and the flintlock great plains but I will have to find some hornady's
I have a Remington 700 ml that really don't get shot much since I got a CVA Optima it shoots good it likes 100 grain pyrodex and 290 grain Barnes.
I believe hornadys great plains id recomend would be the 385 hbhp for your size,,,Id start a little lower grain on powder for .50///70 or 80 grains of 777 ff should probly work for ya,,,if you over powder it your group will spread.the hollow base design seems to seal well with these conicals.
I believe hornadys great plains id recomend would be the 385 hbhp for your size,,,Id start a little lower grain on powder for .50///70 or 80 grains of 777 ff should probly work for ya,,,if you over powder it your group will spread.the hollow base design seems to seal well with these conicals.

I'm going to give those a try. thanks for the info sir!
Thank you everyone for the input. I am leaning toward CVA still narrowing down the rifle itself. Thanks for the website smokepolepaul
I have 6 muzzleloaders on the rack, all different brands, my favorite is the tack driving Savage ML110 II. You can do a lot of things with it, including reaching out there.