New Mexico Draw

I was on that hunt, not hunting but helping my dad guide some folks. I will never guide again after that fiasco. This is a walk in hunt as their is very little road access into this unit. There is a trail that runs pretty much north south along the dry blue. This is overrun with fourwheelers and your point of access into the huntable areas. Don't worry to much about the four wheelers as most of them dont go more than 50 feet from them and that is usually only to take a leak. This unit used to be part of 15 which is a very good unit. You will need to be in shape, have a pack frame and be willing to work hard. There really are some big elk in this area. In fact before they split this off, I would say it had some of the best areas for elk as access is so tuff.

One really cool area in this unit is part of the dry blue. There is a small creek that is about 1/2 mile long, it comes up out of the ground and dissapears into the grond a ways down. This creek is loaded with small chub like fish. Amazing that they can live their.
I am doing a do it myself in The Valle Videl. I may however rent a horse but after i find out if i really need one. Can anyone give me any info on this unit? Valle videl Archery.

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