
New Marabou Jig Fishing Video

Big Sky

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2000
A Warmer Climate
I filmed all this in March, but just haven't had time to edit it until now. I sure wish it was as cold now as it was in the video. This hot dry summer is not my idea of a good time. I'm wired for colder weather. Anyway, I hope you enjoy a little trip on the Missouri River in Montana.
Thanks for sharing, videos like this makes me a little more excited about moving to north central Montana next summer.
JLDemo, you should be excited about moving to north central Montana. It has some of the best fishing and hunting in the state, plus you can travel to either eastern or western Montana is a half a day's drive or less.
Now if I can just get 7 more people to take a peek at the video it will break 100 views in the first 48 hours. For an amateur like me, I'd be happy with that.
Hey, just wanted to thank you guys for your support in watching some of these videos. While it is some work to make them, it is also fun to do. I don't get anything financially for this. I just do it to share the Montana outdoor experience. I feel blessed to live here and just want to share a little of what I have with others. Hopefully fire season will end here soon and there will still be some Montana left to enjoy.
Another entertaining video, Troy. Thanks for taking the time to produce them and then sharing them with us.
Thank you guys. I sure wish these fires in Montana would go out and the air would clear. It's just not all that much fun to play outside with the air quality more than just a little unhealthy around these parts. Sure wish it would rain or snow!

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