New guy here...


New member
Aug 14, 2014
Caledonia WI
First, and foremost, thank you for letting me join your forum.

A little about me, grew up on the Iron Range in MN, and hunted small game in the Britt area, deer in the Forbes area, and waterfowl on Whiteface Reservoir. Didn't do much hunting during my middle years except two elk trips in MT, with a 50% success rate.

Now that I got my AARP card, I'm getting back into the hunting mode, and embarking off to CO for the muzzleloading season this year, ok, actually leaving in 504 hours, but who's counting??

Doing a DIY hunt with one other guy, packing it in and out ourselves.

My setup:
Traditions Vortek LDR
Blackhorn 209
PowerBelt Platinum 270g

TNF VE-25 tent
Big Agnes sleeping bag

Mountain House & Camp Chow meals

And my camera..

Ok, there's other stuff I'm packing in, but do you really want to know what color underwear and socks I'll be sporting?? :eek:

Like one person said to me, if nothing else, make sure I enjoy the trip and the adventure.. That I will do, that I will.. :hump:

So may I wish everyone a safe, and enjoyable, upcoming season..

Looking to add to my knowledge base here, and who knows, maybe I'll even be able to add to someones!!

Side note, girlfriend and I were in Cabelas one weekend, and saw they had an Adam & Eve sleeping bag in the bargain cave. Well, we talked about it for another two days, which told me we should have bought it for our camping trips. Well, a couple of days later my hunting partner called me up and told me he was heading to Cabelas, and if I needed anything for the trip. Well, that sleeping bag jumped back into my mind, so I just blurted it out. "Hey, can you pick up that green two person sleeping bag in the Bargain Cave for me??" Well, after some mighty foul language, then laughter, I was then instructed that in no way, no how, was I bring that on our trip... Still laugh when I think about that conversation..
Welcome aboard!! I hope you enjoy the opportunities that Colorado has to offer. What are you hunting for this year? Looking forward to some stories and hero shots!!
First, and foremost, thank you for letting me join your forum.

A little about me, grew up on the Iron Range in MN, and hunted small game in the Britt area, deer in the Forbes area, and waterfowl on Whiteface Reservoir.

Wow, I didn't think anyone knew where Forbes was, let alone hunted there. My Dad grew up in Forbes, attended and graduated from Cherry High School in 1959. Sounds like you might have been close by.

In fact, the buck below was taken by my Dad just on the edge of Forbes, first powerline west of the St. Louis River bridge, in 1976. Too bad my family was so bad at taking pics. Hanging weight of that buck was 254#.
Big Forbes buck 1976.jpg

Welcome to the forum. Look forward to the stories and pics.
Welcome aboard!! I hope you enjoy the opportunities that Colorado has to offer. What are you hunting for this year? Looking forward to some stories and hero shots!!

John, going for elk, black powder season. I've got a bull tag and my hunting partner has the cow. Thought we would have better chances with one of each. But he has already told me that he's sorry if his quick shot on a cow scares my bull away.. :W:
Now that I got my AARP card, I'm getting back into the hunting mode, and embarking off to CO for the muzzleloading season this year, ok, actually leaving in 504 hours, but who's counting??

I have an app on my phone that is counting down to MT rifle opener...currently 65 days, 23 hours, 10 minutes, 20 seconds until legal shooting light!!
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