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New guy from OR

Hello all. I stumbled across this site while researching Nevada mule deer hunting and decided to join. Excited to learn all I can and join discussions when I have input. Great forum so far and I can tell you for certain that NV manages game way better than OR!!
Welcome from Mississippi
Oh I know exactly where Adrian is!!!! I grew up in Jordan Valley and played many an Old Oregon League game against the Antelopes!! I now live in Heppner. My wife grew up here.
Is Greg Grant still the football coach in Heppner?I heard he was going to retire. He was featured in Sports Illustrated some years ago. Best win record in High school foot ball in the country.
Oh I know exactly where Adrian is!!!! I grew up in Jordan Valley and played many an Old Oregon League game against the Antelopes!! I now live in Heppner. My wife grew up here.
Small world, back in the cattle days used to buy cattle from the Ruggs Ranch there at Heppner, now the cows are gone and just farming straight north from you in WA.
Greg is still here and coaching. Not sure how many years he has left. My youngest graduated 3 years ago so I am out of the loop sports-wise theae days.
Thank you all for the kind welcome to the forum. So much good information here that I get all kinds of "great" ideas floating around in my head!!
Hello all. I stumbled across this site while researching Nevada mule deer hunting and decided to join. Excited to learn all I can and join discussions when I have input. Great forum so far and I can tell you for certain that NV manages game way better than OR!!
Welcome here
You are welcome
Hello all. I stumbled across this site while researching Nevada mule deer hunting and decided to join. Excited to learn all I can and join discussions when I have input. Great forum so far and I can tell you for certain that NV manages game way better than OR!!
Welcome from New Zealand.

I went to OSU and have been planning a return visit for years. Hopefully get back there for a hunt one of these years!
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