Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

New Gun


Active member
Dec 6, 2004
So I just graduated from college this weekend. My Dad surprised me with a Weatherby Mark V .300 Weatherby Mag. I might put some pics on later. I am a happy camper. Any preferences on ammo for this gun, grains, tips, etc?
180 gr. Nosler Partition... Weatherby Premium for factory...Check out Conley Precision Cartridge for custom...better yet, roll yer own. I'd figure out what it liked for elk & stick with it for everything.

Very fine rifle, post some pics.
Congrats on a fine rifle and for graduating (btw, what was your major)!!! My Dad suprised me with a similar gift, except mine was a Ruger in .338 Win. Gotta love Pops!! You should be set for anything in NA and most everything worldwide.

Lets see some pics!
I decided to kill myself in 4 years and double major. Public Relations and Christian Studies. Moving back home, put pictures on when I get there.
I was going to suggest handloading too. The price of Weatherby ammo will make your wallet wince if you like to shoot a lot.
great cartridge and rifle. A good quality 3-9 scope and 180-200 grain bullets will put a dent on anything on this continent. Practice up.
Another good choice for bullets is the 168 gr Triple Shock from Barnes. The solid copper bullet holds together and penetrates like a heavier bullet. Load it over IMR-7828 with Federal Gold Medal Match Mag primers and you are good to go for anything except big grizzlies or brownies!
sreekers- Whew, double major? Better you than me! ;) Good Luck. If home is Rock Springs, maybe we can get together sometime and pop some pds!

you are good to go for anything except big grizzlies or brownies!
...and I'm betting they wouldn't like it either!
Lucky you!!! I have a 300 Weatherby too, chit is going to hit the dirt with it this fall. My 7mm BARELY killed my elk last year, it was quite pathetic actually. Gave me a sick feeling and I'll never use a 7mm on elk again. I also got my .300 as a gift.

Get a hold of me when you get back to the rock and we'll have to go out shooting.


EL btw congrats on graduating!!
I'll have to call BS on Calif Hunter's notion that you are good for everything except big grizz or brown bear. I've got an 8'-8" brown bear at the taxidermist, killed last May in Alaska that say's different. Killed him just as dead with that .300 Weatherbaby as the other two guys in camp who used a .338 & .375. 220 Grain Hornady round nose worked fine.

I would however say that it is a little overkill for antelope and smaller deer. Can make a real mess, if you're not careful you might screw up some meat.

.300 Weatherby is an awesome, flat shooting cartridge. Just about perfect for elk, moose, caribou, etc. I've killed; mule deer, black bear, caribou, moose & brown bear with mine. Used 180gr Noslers for everything but the brown bear.

I agree with you about a 300 being plenty for big bears...

However, I disagree that its "too much for antelope and small deer".

Not true if you use a good controlled expansion bullet, I've seen my buddy Doug smack a pile of antelope and small deer with a 300 win mag and 200 grain nosler partitions shooting 2938 fps. My grandfather shot the 300 win mag and 180 partitions...just like you do...and I never saw it make a mess of any critters he shot.

Kills them, but sure doesnt make a more so than a 243, 6mm, 25/06, 338, 30/06, etc. etc. etc.
True ... Buzz, bullet placement does more to mess up meat than anything, and a poorly placed .243 can make a mess just the same.

Best thing about the Weatherby calibers is their flat trajectory. I want a .270 Weatherby next, primarily for western deer.
If I ever draw an antelope tag........I'm going to shoot one with my elk/bear/muley/blacktail/sealion load: 300win mag with 168gr Barnes Triple shock. I think it will do nicely on lopes.
Wyodeerhunter said:
Lucky you!!! I have a 300 Weatherby too, chit is going to hit the dirt with it this fall. My 7mm BARELY killed my elk last year, it was quite pathetic actually. Gave me a sick feeling and I'll never use a 7mm on elk again. I also got my .300 as a gift.

My 7mag Barely killed my elk last year too. I mean I shot him and he stood there for 3-4 seconds, I shot again and then he fell over... What a POS. I'll say that of the other 15-18 bulls that I shot with my 7mm 90% dropped where they stood with one shot... Glad I got a 338-06 for christmas from my wife. They don't stand a chance now. ;)
Skreekers, welcome to the "Roy" club. Once you've had a Weatherby prove it's worth to you -you'll never go back to using anything else. The only exception is if you react badly to a slight increase in recoil... well, then you will either have to use something smaller or just put up with it.
I own a .300 Wby Ultralight Stainless and was wondering which model you got as a gift. Darn thing's so light that I sometimes forget it's on my shoulder. Calif.Hunter stole my handloading secret: IMR 7828 with 150 or 165gr bullets is an impressive load. 200-180's for elk. Another trick: don't tune your trigger down to 4 ounces. 4 or 5 pounds is about right.
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