Caribou Gear Tarp



New member
Dec 2, 2012
Looking to get new GPS this summer,I like the Montana series units because of screen size.This is not the only option Im looking for in a good GPS.
Any suggestions or advice would be helpful.
Are you looking for one with the radio for communication? If so, I have the Garmin 530HCX and it works real good. I swap out chips (micro SD) with different map data for different states.
im liking my oregon 450,,,relatively cheap,nice screen,add the gps map chip for what state your in and its a nice compact setup at a decent price,,,i looked at the montana and i just think its a bit big and more oz. than i want to carry around.
Love my Montana. It has a 500 tile limit vs 100 for the others. May or may not be a factor depending on what you load on it.
What ever GPS you get, when you order a map chip, get it from this great Montana-based company:

They make the best map chips out there and are a big supporter of OYOA.
What ever GPS you get, when you order a map chip, get it from this great Montana-based company:

They make the best map chips out there and are a big supporter of OYOA.

I just bought their Montana chip. It comes with an adapter so you can use the chip in your desktop. The detail and features are awesome. I've already started marking way points for my hunt this fall.
Thanks for all the replys.One question on the state micro chips,when you save a way point does it save to the card or the gps unit.
From their website: "DO NOT send any other map data to the SD card while it is in the unit - you may take the card out and use Mapsource to send any other data. You may send and receive data for waypoints, tracks, and routes to and from your GPS unit's internal memory"
gps chips out of montana are the way to go,,,dont get the chips from garmin,,not near as much detail.I think your waypoints are saved on internal memory but not positive.when u switch your state chips around it keeps my waypoints when i switch it back in.
from going out on my last 9 day hunt i discovered that my oregon 450 would keep turning on in my pocket,,thus eating some battery power,,,does anybody out there know of a hard snap cover for the screen on a 450?even w screen locked,it would still come on if touched.have looked around and garmins hard case is way too big?only want to simply keep screen from activating if protected by a hard snap-like cover?

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