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New From Texas, Love to Help You if I Can!

Welcome to hunt talk I’ve been curious if anyone from Texas hunts hogs on public land down there?
I know a lot of folks down here that hunt them on public including myself. In my opinion they can be more difficult to hunt on public than whitetails a lot of the time.
you can but most of it is on state land and there is a drawing process. As is often the case some are easier to draw then others but I have buddies who always seem to be able to score a tag or standby slot if someone doesn't show. If you have a youth hunter they will bend over backwards to find them someplace to hide out even if all the other spots are assigned.

There's a surprising amount of walk in hunting for them on National Forest, no draw needed.
I'f y'all know any kiddos that could use some awesome books, check out our website or our Instagram. www.SmileOutside.com @_smile_outside
Got the whole set and my 3 year old daughter loves them.

My brother lives just north of Houston in Conroe. I’m sure I’ll be down there again to give the public land around there another go.
Got the whole set and my 3 year old daughter loves them.

My brother lives just north of Houston in Conroe. I’m sure I’ll be down there again to give the public land around there another go.
Thats great man! Glad she loves them, we are releasing our next set soon. Keep an eye on your email, we should be sending out a promotional offer to all of our website subscriber for our pre-sale soon! If you make it down this way and plan on hunting let me know and I'd be happy to give you some intel!
Thats great man! Glad she loves them, we are releasing our next set soon. Keep an eye on your email, we should be sending out a promotional offer to all of our website subscriber for our pre-sale soon! If you make it down this way and plan on hunting let me know and I'd be happy to give you some intel!
Thank you, I’ll definitely take you up on that. My brother is very new to hunting so trying to teach him how to scout an area from across the country has been challenging.

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