New from Montana


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2019
SW Montana

Excited to join this forum and learn more about hunting in general. I relocated to Montana several years ago and now reside in SW Montana. I took my hunter safety course when I was in high school and did a little whitetail hunting with my relatives on the East coast. I'm now approaching my 30's and looking to get back into the sport, mostly to enjoy the outdoors while also filling my freezer. Looking forward to meeting other hunters in my region and possibly a hunting partner.

I've been looking at the Little Belts and Crazy Mountains currently so any tips or suggestions would be appreciated. I would be ecstatic If I could harvest a cow this season.
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Thank you. I’m prepared to walk a few miles from any trailhead or access point to get away from the crowds.

Excited to join this forum and learn more about hunting in general. I relocated to Montana several years ago and now reside in SW Montana. I took my hunter safety course when I was in high school and did a little whitetail hunting with my relatives on the East coast. I'm now approaching my 30's and looking to get back into the sport, mostly to enjoy the outdoors while also filling my freezer. Looking forward to meeting other hunters in my region and possibly a hunting partner.

I've been looking at the Little Belts and Crazy Mountains currently so any tips or suggestions would be appreciated. I would be ecstatic If I could harvest a cow this season.
I'm new to using this forum, but I believe I successfully sent you a PM...
I moved here from PA in 2016 for school. My girlfriend lives in Big Timber and we've spent quite a bit of time in the crazies and up the boulder (south of BT). Right now, after all the pressure from the first few weeks, most of the elk that were on public lands are either down in private or up higher due to pressure. I like to look at the hardest to reach places. We packed out a bull yesterday that a friend shot in the Tobacco Roots and good lord were they up high in some nasty stuff. Push push push and push some more and the reward will come. Good luck!!!
Thanks for the info everyone. Plan on getting out for a few days next week around the Ringling area and trying my luck! I'm renting a cabin for two days.

I hunted on some BMA the other week and found a couple cows. I had the vitals in my cross hairs but it was just a tad too far for me. I promised myself at the beginning of rifle season that I would only take an ethical shot within reach of what I’ve been practicing at. I tried getting closer but they spooked and the hunt was over. In the end I knew it was the right decision and that I’ll eventually find something within my reach.
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If you don't find a cow by shoulder season, look at the small state chunks north of HWY84 near norris. Sometimes, they also get pushed onto the flats near Toston, an area that is also open until mid-Febuary for cow elk.
No luck the other week. Getting a hotel in Townsend for the next few days. Going try some BMAs and Helena NF.
I grew up in Helena. We will be hunting spotted dog wilderness area. Saw a bunch of sign north of there in Marsh Creek. I'm not too familiar with the Townsend area. I know white sulphur springs is a popular destination. We road hunted Grady's and Sieben's ranches as a kid. Usually lots of elk taken out of there.

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