Kenetrek Boots

New from Minnesota

If you want to go Southern huntin' ....give me a call..... Just don't ask me to freeze my freakin' a$$ off, if you want to exchange sumpin' in winter up north, or out, west in DEC!!!! :D
Thanks for all the welcomes, this seems like an interesting forum.
Wallydog, it is a small world. I have not fished Rush yet, there are 424 other lakes within 20 miles of the end of my driveway I am still trying to master. That is the big Chamber of Commerce thing here, "425 lakes within 20 miles of downtown" blah blah blah...
Gunner46, my nephew went to the College of Charleston for three years or something, and yes I would love to get down south and hunt. Got any 'piggies' around your neck of the woods? You gotta remember up here in Minnesota we have 9 months of winter, and 3 months of $hitty weather. So it is about 6 months of fishing on the ice and 6 months of fishing with all the cold weather gear you own...
Thanks again for all the warm welcomes...

My other car is a Zamboni..
Sorry fot the crappy weather.I'm heading out for stick and string javalina in th am.Should be about 55 for the high.Not to rub it in or any thing. :D

Smalls- Thats cool, my familey had a farm up their 20+ years ago(got tyerd of the 9 mounths of winter).Every body knows everyone up there. elkay
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