Kenetrek Boots

New Elk addict from VA

Makes me wonder if in years to come we'll start to get folks from Colorado traveling out here to hunt elk. Our mountains sure are alot smaller and I'd think easier to hunt on.
I know its an older thread, but thought it's relevant. Have you seen you may not need to travel to CO to hunt elk anymore? They reintroduced them in VA and they're open season to shoot. Treated just like deer. I live in the mountains of western VA along the WV line and I don't think we have any here in shenandoah county. But they say the elk are in southwestern VA.
We live next door to the elk zone elk are rarely killed outside the zone. Maybe 1 or 2 wondering animals a year that wonder outside the zone and trust me they don't last long when they do. You can't just come shoot any elk you find in VA. There were 5 tags this year in a special draw with over 30 thousand applicants. I wouldn't expect to ever hunt elk in VA.
The State has said they will keep the numbers around 400 elk as of now we are around 250. I'm not sure why people continue to believe guys can just come to SWVA and kill elk. It's been many long scary discussions on social media with people who believe they can. The elk are like cattle here not hard to find and easy to take it you're one of the lucky 5 that drew a tag. The hunts lasted a day basically this year with what seems like nothing more than a photo op with VA DWR.
We live next door to the elk zone elk are rarely killed outside the zone. Maybe 1 or 2 wondering animals a year that wonder outside the zone and trust me they don't last long when they do. You can't just come shoot any elk you find in VA. There were 5 tags this year in a special draw with over 30 thousand applicants. I wouldn't expect to ever hunt elk in VA.
The State has said they will keep the numbers around 400 elk as of now we are around 250. I'm not sure why people continue to believe guys can just come to SWVA and kill elk. It's been many long scary discussions on social media with people who believe they can. The elk are like cattle here not hard to find and easy to take it you're one of the lucky 5 that drew a tag. The hunts lasted a day basically this year with what seems like nothing more than a photo op with VA DWR.
100% truth
Good info! I think I was going off of what I read in the regulations a year or two ago when it said elk were considered the same as deer and if you had deer tags you could take an elk. I wish they'd expand them all throughout the mountains of va and not just in a zone. Even if they close the season for so many years so they are not hunted and have time to expand. Sure would be cool seeing an elk in the woods. I didn't realize they were stuck in one zone. I figured they'd be free range.

Although if they start doing draws for elk tags I'm not excited about that. Dont want them getting any funny ideas about messing with our deer tags. I never realized how good we have it in VA deer hunting until reading how hard it is to hunt (get tags) in all the western states on this site. I couldn't imagine having to hope I get drawn a tag to just go hunting. Heck it's already almost a lottery just seeing deer when you do go.
Good info! I think I was going off of what I read in the regulations a year or two ago when it said elk were considered the same as deer and if you had deer tags you could take an elk. I wish they'd expand them all throughout the mountains of va and not just in a zone. Even if they close the season for so many years so they are not hunted and have time to expand. Sure would be cool seeing an elk in the woods. I didn't realize they were stuck in one zone. I figured they'd be free range.

Although if they start doing draws for elk tags I'm not excited about that. Dont want them getting any funny ideas about messing with our deer tags. I never realized how good we have it in VA deer hunting until reading how hard it is to hunt (get tags) in all the western states on this site. I couldn't imagine having to hope I get drawn a tag to just go hunting. Heck it's already almost a lottery just seeing deer when you do go.
You are correct that you can kill an elk with a deer tag, but only outside the zone. Almost every year there is one or two. Some from neighboring states etc.

Inside the zone they are highly protected and managed. Hence the drawing.
I will admit. I hunted them hard when we first started seeing them here in Wise county. Got on them a couple times during bow season but thats not saying much when your watching them from across a ridge a couple hundred yards away in the laurel and timber. For those that know the area they have historically been in here you just about had to have private land to get a decent shot on one. I know a few guys that killed several with private land bordering Ky. There's usually at least one or 2 a year killed down in Lee county and until they closed Wise for hunting them there was always several a year killed along the borderlands and on the strips.
I will admit. I hunted them hard when we first started seeing them here in Wise county. Got on them a couple times during bow season but thats not saying much when your watching them from across a ridge a couple hundred yards away in the laurel and timber. For those that know the area they have historically been in here you just about had to have private land to get a decent shot on one. I know a few guys that killed several with private land bordering Ky. There's usually at least one or 2 a year killed down in Lee county and until they closed Wise for hunting them there was always several a year killed along the borderlands and on the strips.
We have been getting the occasional WV elk the last few years. A friend of mine took a 5 point on his small property last year and a small bull was once again taken this year near there. There has only been 3 taken in our county since the introduction began in KY. so what is that 15 years or so ago? 2 WV elk and 1 KY elk many years ago.

@elevatorman we unfortunately will never see an increase in the elk zone is my opinion. Surrounding farmers absolutely will not allow it I feel and rightly so I guess. I understand why they feel that way with fence damage that would occur and crop damage.
We have been getting the occasional WV elk the last few years. A friend of mine took a 5 point on his small property last year and a small bull was once again taken this year near there. There has only been 3 taken in our county since the introduction began in KY. so what is that 15 years or so ago? 2 WV elk and 1 KY elk many years ago.

@elevatorman we unfortunately will never see an increase in the elk zone is my opinion. Surrounding farmers absolutely will not allow it I feel and rightly so I guess. I understand why they feel that way with fence damage that would occur and crop damage.
Definitely agree. Farmers are downright hateful of these elk in VA. While there is a whole team dedicated to investigating elk-based damage in VA (along with money to compensate farmers), there would need to be a state-lead campaign to protect farmers' land to see more elk in VA. The elk management area is intentionally drawn to prevent elk from wandering out which is why it's so rare. The herd is nearly entirely non-migratory as well especially since there's no reason for them to move without any predation from wolves or grizzlies.
Definitely agree. Farmers are downright hateful of these elk in VA. While there is a whole team dedicated to investigating elk-based damage in VA (along with money to compensate farmers), there would need to be a state-lead campaign to protect farmers' land to see more elk in VA. The elk management area is intentionally drawn to prevent elk from wandering out which is why it's so rare. The herd is nearly entirely non-migratory as well especially since there's no reason for them to move without any predation from wolves or grizzlies.
Very well said their placement was thought out in an excellent way IMO. They have zero reason to leave the stock locations and they don't.
So many guys thought they were gonna head to SWVA and kill one of the elk outside the boundary. Had guys I went back and forth with thinking they had a great chance at one hunting WMA's two counties away because it was high country and they could "glass". They couldn't understand you couldn't see 20 yards in most of that laurel hell hole. LOL
I should have just kept my mouth shut and allowed them to learn a hard lesson while local companies took their money while in town looking back.

But bottom line I'm grateful for what VA DWR and other great agencies have done. It has been amazing running down in October to see/listen to bulging elk near home. Something I never imagined seeing in my life in VA. Watched a video of two big bulls in an all out war a few weeks ago in the middle of the herd.
Very well said their placement was thought out in an excellent way IMO. They have zero reason to leave the stock locations and they don't.
So many guys thought they were gonna head to SWVA and kill one of the elk outside the boundary. Had guys I went back and forth with thinking they had a great chance at one hunting WMA's two counties away because it was high country and they could "glass". They couldn't understand you couldn't see 20 yards in most of that laurel hell hole. LOL
I should have just kept my mouth shut and allowed them to learn a hard lesson while local companies took their money while in town looking back.

But bottom line I'm grateful for what VA DWR and other great agencies have done. It has been amazing running down in October to see/listen to bulging elk near home. Something I never imagined seeing in my life in VA. Watched a video of two big bulls in an all out war a few weeks ago in the middle of the herd.
Any idea if they'll let me practice my bugling and mewing from the visitor's area? Looking to hit up Montana this October for my first elk hunt. I hope these elk don't have accents 😂

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