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New bow


Active member
Jul 19, 2011
Looking at possibly getting a new and would like opinions on the bow and components. I have been shooting a bowtech alliegence since 2006. I am considering the following.
Bowtech experience 70lb 28.5" draw
Ripcord code red rest do you think the flex fit launch pad is needed?
Tight spot quiver
Bee stinger stabilizer weight undecided
G5 peep sight
Kisser button. Not sure if cable rollers will contact this; I've had bad experiences with contact on roller guards with a Mathews LX before. I hope this is not an issue. I know that with a peep sight a kisser button is not really needed but it is how I have shot for 20 years.
Montana black gold 3 pin slider custom ordered with 2 .19 pins and 1 .10 pin undecided on colors and sight size. Any input on this appreciated.
I plan on shooting the Easton full metal jackets 400 I already have
I have been shooting the rage 3 place 100 gn broadheads with good results on deer so will probably stick with them but may try some others for possible elk hunts in the future.

I may come across as being set on my options and bow but this is just what I come up with after researching. I am open to anything.
I have almost the exact same setup, except I have a Spott Hog SDP sight. I absolutely love this setup and don't think you will be disappointed. I have the .010 pins on my sight and like them, but in a few years I'll likely be going to the .019 as my eyes age.
I'll echo JLSs comments, you won't have any regrets IMO. Well, except that you may be disappointed because you won't be able to shoot it enough!. That setup is similar to mine, except I have a biscuit. Actually just bought my experience a month ago. I put a b-stinger pro hunter stabilizer. Wow, what a difference that makes. Instantly shot better. I did think it was a bit heavy so I pulled a 4 oz weight off. That's what great about that stabilizer.

Can't go wrong with a tightspot either. I bought one and it's probably going to be on my bow for a long time.

I use a kisser button with a peep too. Like having the extra point of reference. Just tied in a ball of serving material as I can never get anything else to stay put. Have no issues with clearance anywhere. Roller guards don't bother anything.
I've never used a kisser button so I don't have experience with it. But I do know that my bow shop told me that if your bow is fitted and set up correctly and you have proper form it is useless.

I shot the experience and really liked it but ended up going with the Hoyt Faktor.
Colberjs, that's funny I did the exact opposite. Both really nice bows.

I don't use a kisser button either, I touch (not press) my nose to the string and center the sight housing in my peep.
The only help I am going to give you is shoot every bow you can get you hands on. Bow techs are great bows but shoot every brand you can. Choose the one that fits you. The guys that choose the same brand year after year are blind and dumb in the way they choose bows.
Great advice by shooting all bows you might be interested in. It's amazing how one will just feel "right" for you. Ever manufacture is putting out great bows but they are all different in shot feel.
The only help I am going to give you is shoot every bow you can get you hands on. Bow techs are great bows but shoot every brand you can. Choose the one that fits you. The guys that choose the same brand year after year are blind and dumb in the way they choose bows.

This is good advice. I didn't have access to an Elite when I bought mine. I've since shit an Elote a couple times and am considering selling my Hoyt to fund one.
I love my Experience it is not as fast as some but very forgiving. The 400's might be a bit light in spine depending on all the factors I went with 300 ultra lights and it shoots well at 29 inches. The tight spot is awesome go for it. The kisser button is not needed just keep your form in mind and you will get used to it in no time.
Good luck,
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