Nevada Unit 51 Mule Deer Area


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
Lubbock, Texas
Okay, I may have gotten ahead of myself on my applications.

For Nevada this year I just went through and applied for the same units that I did last year. I went back and updated my spreadsheet for the units and drawing odds, etc. and realized that my first choice of Unit 51 Early for deer was a lot higher odds than I had expected. (28% last year with one point) It doesn't seem like that is a bad unit, but it isn't a lotto type unit either. If I could plan my fall for it a little better I might even try it sometime down the road when I would have enough points to have a better chance at knowing I would probably draw it.

Now, odds are that I still won't draw that tag, but I've been reading up on that Unit and not sure I want to spend the time it would probably take to hunt that tag properly this fall.

I still have time to reapply and if I'm reading things right it will only cost me an extra $16.50 for do it. I'm thinking about withdrawing my application and reapplying with something like unit 231 as my first choice instead of 51.

I probably should just put in for preference points, but my thought was that if I apply for some of the best units it would be worth it if I did get super lucky and draw them.

Am I missing anything here? Any thoughts on withdrawing my application and reapplying?

Thanks, Nathan
They Had A Big Fire Before Last Season Started Be Carefull Do Some Research.Gord
Just leave it alone. It would be a miracle to draw 051 or 231. It seems to take me about 4-5 years to draw a rifle tag and I don't apply for hard to draw units.
I would just leave it. But who knows what will happen every year is different. Good luck getting a tag somewhere.
the way i understand nevadas draw system is to put in for the best hardest to draw tags first and systematically go down your choices with easyer draw odds to 5th choice and hope for the best,when your turn comes up ,they go down your whloe pile of choices untill 1 still has tags to fill if there are any left thru 5th choice.
Yeah, it looks like I fouled myself on that deer application. My highest odds of drawing are on my 1st choice and my odds on my 2nd and 3rd choice are less than 5%.

Just not sure if it is worth it to go back and fix it, especially since my odds are still 72%+ that I won't draw anything as it is now.

Then again it's only $16.50.
Oh well, I went ahead and changed it up. I left unit 51 in there but put it as my 5th choice and put 231 as my 1st choice. At least that way if I draw it I know I didn't get drawn in the top 1% and miss out on some better choices because I fouled my application.
wether unit 51 is your 1st or 5th choice will still depend on your computer drawn # order,,,but you could draw one of the harder to draw choices if your lucky,,,good luck,,, as that is how i understand nevadas set up.probly a good choice to change it like you did.

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