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Neighbor problems


New member
Aug 5, 2015
I live in Wisconsin; my dad (70 acres) and brother(40 acres) own land, that runs along some other private land. The last couple years the neighbors, who hunt on neighboring land as they only own 3 acres, have lost multiple deer. We have confronted them about trespassing as they will use our atv trail to get to one of their stand locations which is right on the border of the properties.

The reason I am posting this because I just helped look for a buck about 30 minutes ago that the neighbor's grandson who's 18/19 had shot last night, but the kid just shook it off as "I guess he's coyote bait, hahaha". He had shot it with a crossbow and said it was about 50 yards out, but I saw the arrow and he was further and his shot had been low (gut shot). He wasn't even marking the last spots where he had a trail (frustrating). He said "I didn't want to lose him, so I took a shot".

I'm just upset with their disregard for the deer's life. And the fact that they didn't really care about property lines, as I luckily had headed them off on our property as they were going to just start heading down to check out the river (which our property has run along side it) and see if they could find the deer as they had given up on the blood trail. Maybe I'm a little selfish for stopping them from trouncing around on our land, in hopes of recovery the buck. But they had no idea where the last blood trail was or anything and they had no regards for anyone's property lines. They had been wondering around (started late last night) for awhile before I started helping them look. I know it's "part of hunting", not recovering game, as it can happen, but it just really hit a nerve and it makes me sick to think they just wasted it.

Has anyone else had similar situations? And how did you handle it? Is there really anything I can do? Thanks for your feedback.
Perhaps it's time to get law enforcement involved since it's a property line issue.
If it's that blatant I would be upfront with them: No crossing my land, and I will call law enforcement next. Three acres really isn't large enough to hunt, IMO. The disregard shown here, that would be it for me.
Sounds like you need a wall. Seriously though I can see how that would be frustrating maybe level with them and say if this continues to be a problem I'm building a fence to where the deer cannot cross between our two properties they might reconsider what they are doing seeing as they are obviously piggybacking off of larger sections of land for their hunting and by causing you to build a fence they be shooting themselves in the foot.
Trespassing citations sounds like the next step. Seems like you went above and beyond in the name of being a sportsman and good neighbor, and they still disrespect you. Call law enforcement now. Don't let them sucker up to you when the authorities arrive. They had their chance. Put them in their place now.
Thanks guys. It may come to having the wardens get involved. I really appreciate all your input!
Its tough to be the ethics police but trespassing is the law, I hunted Buffalo Co. for many years the locals in that part of the state would shame other hunters for such acts, every one in town would know who was doing what. I am not condoning that activity but it was effective to curb the nonsense! its especially hard when its a neighbor. Good luck but your frustration is warranted when you get that response!
Not that I agree with your neighbors behavior but one law I love in Iowa is you don't have to have permission to track wounded animals on others property. You can follow as long as you don't bring a gun.

Common courtesy is to ask but if I can't find the land owner I still go. I would have lost my sons buck if it wasn't for this law.
Law enforcement, or a good, thorough ass beating is in order-your choice. I have a kid in Wisconsin that is very good at the latter.

A thorough ass beating may result in the neighbors owning your property in todays justice system. I'd call the County sheriff and ask how to proceed.
See what the three acres will sell for. If they aren't interested, time to have a talk. I have a 25 acre spot close to town and I am extra careful to take good shots because I don't want them to cross property lines.
Bowhunting (or crossbow hunting) on 3 acres seems a little desperate. I don't think you are unjustified in feeling upset about this. I realize that lost game is a part of hunting, but the people that matter to me still have a hard time with it. The reality that scavengers will clean up the wounded game is never an excuse. I think getting law enforcement involved isn't unreasonable.
This is odd thread for me. Neighbors are people who live next door and support each other in times of need.

Do your neighbors live there!
I live in a community of 5 acre tracts. Do not think I have ever stepped on my neighbors property. One exception, his stallion got out and was visiting my Arab. Called him and let him know his stallion was screaming. Two of us rounded him up and took him home.

Just talk to your neighbor and tell them that trespass is unacceptable. If they do not live on the 3 acres, same talk. Be prepared to buy out. Only pay the regular rate. Do not go crazy.
First consideration by me is the small amount of land the neighbor had. Three acres is about 2.27 football fields when include end zones. That is not enough land to hunt a deer unless it includes excellent habitat for bedding, grain fields, the only water in the area or is on a corridor.

Second consideration is if they respect you as a landowner.

Third consideration is if they respect the game animal.

Two sides to most stories but based on your recap then I would be getting with local law enforcement, the local game officer and the District Attorney to see what you need to do to have enforceable action against trespassing.

If game cameras on your land can be used to capture pictures that serve as evidence of trespass then put up some game cameras and a couple of "hidden ones" to catch any tampering with the obvious cameras.

I try to be a good neighbor and make the crappy world a better place. In the described situation, I will be protective of my property and if the neighbor does not understand then I will deal with any fallout that infringes my rights.
time for a fence. with the obligatory "KEEP OUT" signs posted every30 yards or so
I have had similar problems on my 100 acre property, which borders FS on 2 sides. Illegal driving of ATV's on FS, then when confronted with the locked gate at my property line, they proceeded to cut my fence down to keep driving around my property! I have horses and cattle, but have to feed them hay and keep them penned during hunting season because of idiots like this.

If you decide to contact local LE, having good clear photos of the neighbors on your property is about the only way to make anything of it, otherwise it is your word against theirs.
I would bring Dad and Brother into the fold before I did anything. Dad and Bro are the ones who are neighbors and have to stay neighbors their opinion would be far more important than mine.

Second you have to decide if you are willing to put Money into the process. Calling the law will bring charges and Charges usually bring court and costs.

I have done two different things
1. turn my head the other way because he is my only neighbor and I used his tractor to get unstuck when I was in a pinch like the what would you do thread. hehe.

2. I warned him he had 24 hours to get his story straight, I wasn't going to call the sheriff until the next a.m. and he should get it straight before the sheriff visited him. I did call and informed the sheriff I had asked a trespasser to leave, and told him he had until I called you to fix his mess.

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