Need Video game INFO!!!! HELP


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
So, me and the wife and kid are going on a 7 day road trip over Xmas. Many hours in the car and i want the 5 1/2 year old to have something to keep him busy.
He isnt a video game kind of kid.. Yet, so i dont want to spend a lot on something he wont use. I was looking on Ebay at some used "Gameboy color" systems. Trying to find one with a car charger and light. Question is this, what games would be in the right age group for a 5 1/2 year old?
Going to get him a portable DVD player too. can use that a lot on our treks up north on weekends. Going to get that new and be one of his Xmas presents
I think you are on the right track with the gameboy. My oldest girl is 8 and she isn't much of a gamer, but did have the gameboy ds up until yesterday when my youngest girl (1) dropped the gameboy on the hardwood floor and cracked the screen.

Something I've switched to as of late is skipping all the car chargers and just purchase an AC converter. With all the moves I've made during the past two years I've had a number of different cell phones...all of those chargers are $30 a pop. You can get an AC converter for that much, or even less. It will run your DVD player, laptop, etc.
My kids have some Game Boy Advance SP's and they like Donkey Kong Country probably the most. They have Top Gun, Pokemon, Shrek, MarioKart, Super Mario Bros. 2 & 3. They also have a Sonic game they play a bunch as well. I couldn't tell you which one is the best but I have played Donkey Kong a lot and it seems to keep an adult kid at bay for a while!
Can't help yah Bud. We have the Game Cube because it's kids orientated. I likethe X-box and play it quiet a bit with Guitarzan that posts here. Some of the Graphics are almost too lifelike. The shooting games rock !!!!
My 5 year old has never even touched a portable video game ( thanks to my wife ). I figure every year we keep him away from them saves me hundreds, and saves him some brain cells.
On road trips, the mini DVD player works wonders, keeps him busy for hours on end. You can find used Disney movies cheep, or even free. The real bonus is, while the kid is napping and the wife is driving, you can plug in "Awsome Bulls" or "The Truth".
I saw 8" mini DVD players on sale for about $100 the other day.
Yea the mini DVD players are getting real cheap.
I don't want him getting to be a game junky either, because i know i am bad myself. I remember when Nontendo came out i would sit there (in my early 20's) and play late into the night.
The wife has a pontiac Vibe and it has an AC outlet on the dash, should come in handy
What ever happened to just leaning back and beating your kids in the back seat when they were "quote" Bored???????:rolleyes:

Worked for our generation!;)
Nix the games & stick to "Forrest Gump, Dumb & Dumber, The Sandlot, Austin Powers" kids watched them so many times I've the dialogue memorized. Some Roy Orbison, Stevie Ray Vaughn, & Eagles tunes for when they were asleep.
The DVD is a Godsend, We went to Half Moon Bay and back today the kids sat in the back and watched movies (get headphones) We also played the alphabet game to look on the signs to find the alphabet in order. It keeps the kids busy.
Ditto DVD player....and the 86'ng of vid games! My oldest is 12+ and we've managed to not have them and not miss them.

Harley- Sandlot rocks! That's a staple on our trips as well...gotta love the puke fest at the county fair huh!
We got a Pixter for our three (8, 4 & 3) and they absolutely love it. Plus, the games are a bit more educational. We do limit the amount of time they can play it though - want them to see what is around them.
Got a DVD player today at Wal-mart. Won a gameboy color, with SHock and rock (no clue what it is) for 11$ on ebay. Bid and won a few games for it today. Anyone know what "mega-man" is? is it for a 5 year old?
schmalts said:
The wife has a pontiac Vibe and it has an AC outlet on the dash, should come in handy

well that Vibe, with the AC outlet and all, should keep the wife happy but I thought you wanted to entertain the kiddo? :D :D

I swore I would never go the DVD player route, then I won one in a sales contest and can't imagine the kids being without it.

My 9 yearold is into the gameboy advance games and that keeps him entertained for a long time. Again not my idea but his grand parents were convinced he needed.

One movie for the Holidays is Christmas Story kids love it the Wife said it's full of "dumb humor".....Well duh that's what makes it funny
If Greenhorn is mega-man we definately gotta keep him away from the five year olds....he's got the livestock thing going on these days anyhow....

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