Caribou Gear

Need new rifle

lol, by your response i would say moosie owns a 30-06,,,,,,,,,,anti? The only thing I am anti is anti your stupid posts. kinda early to lash out isn`t it, or are you still delirious from your near death experience of going a WHOLE day and a half with out enough food and water, next time make sure you pack in your normal food of pork rinds and cheep beer
I'm kinda disappointed in Yetty. Here I thought he was "his own man," and come to find out that he wouldn't wear something becuase someone else might think he's gay? That he won't use a perfectly good caliber rifle just because someone might lump him in with trailer trash? I thought he didn't care what other people thought about him and had more self confidence than that. Now we find out that he is just another Montana sheep - a follower of the crowd and "Heavens, what will the neighbors think?" :rolleyes: That takes him a whole lot more that 75 IQ points down IMHO. He's just another piece of the rabble making noise and following the rest of the lemmings off the cliff of public opinion. ;)
I actually pack a little more heat in the hills... But I do have a .270 sitting in the safe wich is compareable to the 30.06. I think the AUGHT 6 is a good caliber. MAny a critter has been kilt' with um'. Just kind of curious to what the 280 packs in his truck while he's road hunting and bitchin about why No one on Moosies board likes him :D

It's never too early to lash out :D And I'm siting here eating FUNYUN's not Rinds, I'm trash from the north, not the South !!!

CALI.. LOL, you'd think a guy talking about his JIMMY in a zipper would be more of a man then that :rolleyes:
please ,,oooooooohhhhhhhhhhh pleeeessse moosie show me once where i complained just once about giving a damn about what anyone on this board thought of me,,,,,,,,pleeeese ohhhhhhh pleeeese back up your remarks
He sure whines for someone who doesn't care! Reminds me of a cat a girlfriend had. Only time it made any noise was when it was being ignored. The more time you spent paying attention to it, the greater the disdain it showed toward you.

Come to think about it,, 280,are you a long-haired, grey, tabby?

eew, eew, eew,eew - Dan called 280 a pussy! It's time for them to meet behind the backstop!
;) Bet he's been neutured! ;)
Well I was going to stay out of this, but I happen to really like the 30.06 and have killed an awful lot of critters with it. However I wouldn't recommend it as a top elk hunting caliber. I'm no elk expert though having only killed one (with a 30.06 btw), so I won't pretend that I know anything about killing elk from my one experience. However what I did learn from it is that I wanted just a little more horse power behind that bullet and that is what I have now with the .30 caliber magnum I'm using. For anything smaller than an elk which I have killed a lot of, I very much like the 30.06. Before y'all get your shorts in a bunch over fuggingoodhunter's and Yetty's comments consider the source. I'm no genious and probably do have a low IQ but I'm smart enough to know which end of the body the toilet was designed for and I can operate a zipper without injury. What can you expect from guys that like to roll around on floor with other sweaty men?
So when the Yetty and FGH aren't killing them with sharp stix, just what rifle DO they use?

I use my trusty ole '06! As long as I'm not shooting over 600 yards thats all need. It'd work in a pinch to 800 though.
elk getterhere is what is wrong with a 30-06 NOTHING the only problem i have with them is that they are capable of doing anything but the perfect for nothing.i will never own one because i have made that same comment to my wife and that would mean no more rifles for me, hell a .300 mag is the high end of that statement and a .308 is probablly the low end and i have both so lets not tell her that.if i had to get rid of everything i have now and buy one rifle to hunt with for the rest of my life it would without a doubt be a 30-06 but since that isnt the case i wont have one.everyone has their own perfect rifle. for me as a deer rifle its a .270 and we could have a huge war over that, my son uses a 243 probablly the most controvertial of all deer calibers, it does fine on our small deer but maybe not so good on the bigger ones.while i hope to be soo im not an elk hunter but the smallest i would use is a 30 -06 some of these guys can give better adsvice just my 2 cents
Well, I have found a rifle i really like. It's a Remington model 700 in the lightweight. My friend has one in the '06 and says it don't kick at all.
Elkgetter, I recommend shooting your friend's lightweight Rem. 700 in 30-06 to see what you think of the recoil. If it doesn't bother you then go ahead and buy one. If it bothers you (and make sure you take at least 6 shots) then buy the same gun in 7mm-08 if you can.

And don't pay any attention to all these guys who claim a 30-06 isn't any good for elk and anything less is even worse. I've shot lots of elk with a .280 caliber (7MM)-magnum and non magnum- and my .280 Remington is my favorite elk gun. Between me a a few friends and the hunters I guided to elk I've seen hundreds of bulls killed with the 7mm calibers and .270s. It's all in the shot placement.