Need Help With POW Fall Bear Hunting


New member
Jun 5, 2005
Idaho Falls, ID
Hey Everybody, I am new to this site and I am in need of some advice. I booked a cabin with Boat Hunter in Hollis on POW. I am looking for any information you can give me in regards to fall black bear hunting on the island. From what I have gathered so far, bear can be found up in the alpine areas, but the bigger bears are fishing down on the rivers. Anyway I think you guys have an awesome site and I look forward to chatting with everyone in the future.
I'm Pretty Sure your refuring to Prince Of Whales Island in Alaska. That is awesome place to hunt with a vast amount of large black bears up to 800 lbs. i have a friend who lives there he goes by aksharks on this site shoot him an Personel message. He can help you out for sure. good luck. i will be there next year or even this fall hunting the black bears.
HONDO, Welcome aboard Mi Amigo. "P.O.W." You picked a Great place. I personally haven't been there so Take what I say with a Grain of sand but I hear Skiff's searching shorelines is a Common way to Find the Bears.

I jsut recieved some Pitures from a Friend that hunts POW every year. They took some Nice Spring bear's agian this year. This years pictures sent me over the top !! I must make a trip soon :)

I'm over on the other side of the state (Nampa just outside of Boise). You have some good bears on your side of the state too. Do you ever get out chasing the Blackies over there ?

PS, How'd you hear of our site ?
Moosie and Nightwolf thanks for the replies!!!

Nightwolf, Thanks for the information I will shoot him a PM. Moosie, as a matter of fact I am running two bait sites right now. I have already had one black and one cinnamon taken of these baits. They were a little too small for me. The black weighed #180 and the cinnamon went a little over #200 field dressed. We got some good video of the cinnamon, but none on the black. I don't remember exaclty how I stumbled upon your site. I started doing some research on something or other at google and ended up at hunttalk. I have been visiting for a couple of weeks.
Well... I'm glad you're here. I'd love to see some Pictures. Care to post any ?

We have a Bear section on this site. check out some of the bears already taken . Alot of them here in Idaho too.
You won't have any problem finding bears, if you look. Don't assume the larger ones are always on the fish, however. There will be large bears up high in the berries too, and some of the big fish eating bears are almost nocturnal sometimes. What month are you hunting? The bears get sick of pink salmon, after a while...

Either way, keep in mind that the average size bear taken in the fall is much smaller than spring. Not to say the fall bears are smaller, which of course they aren't, but lots of people shoot smaller bears in the fall.
Hey Hondo, I think you will like this site .
I am from Rigby and like to hunt bear also hope things are still going good for you .
DavidAk, I will be hunting the last week of September. Thank you for the great information. I had never heard that the big fishing bears go nocturnalt that is good to know. Do you think that the reason smaller bears are shot in Fall is because the hunting is harder and not as many people are hunting?
Idaho Smiley, Thanks for the reply, things are going great. It looks like I might not get a spring bear though. However it has been a great season, I was able to get my best friend and my dad's boss a bear. Also I was able to get my dad and uncle shots at bears.(Shots that they should have made.) Although we did not get a bear over 250 lbs. it was a fun start to this year. I might try to sneak out on wednesday night and sit in my stand, I have a really nice cinnamon hitting a bait I have not sat on all season.
I believe the reason more small bears are shot in the fall is that the big bears in the spring are dimwitted and only thinking with their other words, easy prey. In fall, bears of all sizes are roaming around like crazy, and people have a tendency to shoot smaller ones either as opportunity arises, or due to lack of ability to judge size. In September, it's not unusual to see more than one bear every single day just while driving around.

It's hard to generalize...just don't limit yourself to stream hunting exclusively, and judge carefully before you pull the trigger.


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