Need Email help..


Active member
Jan 13, 2002
Salmon, ID
My computer isn't letting me stay in my hotmail or my Yahoo! email accounts. I access my inbox then it goes to a page titled "about:blank". The only way I can stay in my inbox and keep it from going to that page is to click the "Stop" button and that sucks because I have to do it at the right time or it won't stay. Its been doing this for about a month and I can't seem to figure out whats causing it. The main reason this sucks is because it won't let me download the file for the Excel that Oscar emailed us in regards to the Fantasy Hunt.

So if any of you know what I can do to fix it, I would appreciate it. Thanks!
I used Yahoo for a while and ended up just staying with my carrier. I was getting the same thing with Yahoo and it just plain sucks. I think it has some thing to do with either a worm in your puter, or possibly some of this spy ware screwing things up....
You may try that. Or better yet, contact Yahoo and make them fix your problem...
It should be able to be fixed fairly quickly with them....
Sounds to me like you have a adware/spyware trojan program on your computer. Download and install SpywareBlaster, SpyBot S&D, and Ad-Aware. Update Spybot & Ad-Aware and run them both. That should help.
I get that same problem with hotmail, but its just a pop up for me. I have never had a problem with yahoo, but it could be a virus or something with your hard drive!! The next time that it happens, see if it is just as simple as a pop up: check your programs bar on the bottom of your screen, if it has a yahoo window (or whatever server) AND the about:blank window, just close about:blank and that should help you. If that isnt the issue, I can help you figure it out one on one! It would just be easier to "troubleshoot" your problem. Let me know how that works for ya!!! Good Luck!! :D

Orca Lover
And you are sure its not a pop up? I had a similar problem this morning but thats all it turned out to be!! Let me know if you want more help, and I will see what I can do!!! Try a pop up blocker and see if that will help!!!

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