
Need comments for MT hunt roster changes

Real time reporting/commentary.

Dear Representative Kerry White,
This meeting is about game damage, not shoulder hunts. #moronsintheMTlegislature.
Not only did the EQC suggest the amendment passage as is, but Rep. Kerry White said that he opposed the Game Damage requirement of public hunter access altogether, suggested, but qualified that it was not a formal motion, to oppose the Game Damage law, requiring public hunter access.

Sen. Ripley spoke that it should be left alone right now and that could be addressed during the next legislative session.

You can bet, that will be one of their bills in 2017.
Yes, and thanks Rep White on behalf of UPOM, the proponents of contrived property rights and on behalf of CBU, Citizens for Balanced Abuse (of public lands).
I'm not sure what happened there. The closest thing to an action was the suggestion to go forth and do good work. Will this be voted on or is it a done deal?

The speaker (Charles?) did say that the HR database is set up so that landowner picks are added after the people signed up on the hunt roster. That addresses my concern in a manner better than I would accept. However, I think it should be in writing as those unclear things tend to change behind closed doors...