need a question answered


New member
Nov 22, 2009
camp point , Illinois
Hey i searched the whole forum for an answer to this question, i got my arrows all redone this year wrapped and fletched with 2 inch blazers, when i went to archery shop the other day they told me i cannot shoot fixed blade with blazers because they wont group, etc. The guy that told me is kinda known as an upseller and tried to sell me some silly looking f-15 mechanical high dollar rubber band jobs, im switching from the rage to either muzzy or g-5 or somthing else not 100% sure yet but probobally 3blade muzzy, any advice and truth would be GREATLY appreciated.
i shoot easton axis with wraps and blazer 2" vanes and i shoot G-5 100gr. or muzzy 3 blade or 4 blade 100 gr. i shoot a hoyt vetrix xl 30" draw right @302fps arrow is 415.5gr. and they group great never have had a problem tell that guy he needs a new job cause he is wrong......
thanks guys, i always though thats why they designed the blazer style vanes for more fixed blade stability, i always seem to get stuck with this guy, he tried to tell me awhile back that if you werent shooting 70 or more pounds you couldnt get a pass through....
My Z7 shoots fine with 2" Blazers and 125 Slick Tricks. Make sure your bow is tuned (not by that sales guy) and you should be fine.
Blazers where pretty much invented to get broadheads flying good.The mini blazers on the other hand are only recomended for mechanicals.Id agree with John Cush if they are ot mini blazers your shop guy is full of chit.
Wow, thats some pretty bad advice you got from your archery shop. I've been fletching my arrows with blazers for 5 years now and have had better luck with fixed blade heads using blazers than any other vanes. Broadheads and field points shoot the same out to 80 yds. with blazers with my setup. I think you'll like them. Good luck wack'en and stack'en.

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