Necessary gear for first western hunt.

The more information you provide the more specific the recommendations can be. My suggestion with what you gave, more layers, but it kind of depends on what type of hunt you are doing and what gets cold, hands, feet, core, etc.
And your budget. In the outdoor (not necessarily hunting) world you get what you pay for on a lot of things.

Also style the hunt style you plan. Day hunts, spike camp, truck camp, hotel etc
“Good glass” for elk in CO is going to be a solid pair of binos for most people. You don’t need a high end spotter to see elk. I had Vortex Diamondback 10x42’s for a long time. Switched to the Leupold BX5 10x50’s a few years ago. I prefer the Leupolds but both spotted elk for me just fine. If you’re on a budget, diamondbacks will do just fine.

Definitely spend money on a solid pair of boots. I have used Zamberlan and Hanwag. I like the Hanwag’s better. Kenetrek, Crispi, etc. work too. Everyone is different so find a pair from those type of brands that work for you.

A solid pack is worth its weight in gold. I have run a Kifaru Fulcrum for 6 years now and it was worth every penny. I have packed out at least 10 elk, a moose, half dozen mule deer, 2 bears, 3 antelope, and a mtn goat. I have never had an issue with the pack. Exo, Stone Glacier, and Mystery Ranch are all reputable options too.

If you could only upgrade one piece of equipment from the three I listed, I would say start with boots. I can’t guarantee a heavy pack out or needing binos in order to see elk on a hillside but I guarantee you will reap the benefits of good boots on your first hunt.
Baby wipes
Good boots /sock
Green wool pants/good jacket with layers
Knife with replacement blades
2 headlamps
Decent binos
Wind checker
Diaphragm elk call
Gun you shoot well and elk tag!
Any decent pack
All these items have been mentioned but if I have at least these I can have a good hunt anywhere.
Taking too much crap can be as big of hindrance as not enough. My first trip solo out west I took every hunting item I owned plus some. Absolutely dumb to haul/pack all that stuff around.

Rifle, good boots, plenty of socks, tent/sleeping arrangement, good sleeping bag, food (plan it out before you go so you don’t take too much), coolers, water bottles, pack, parachute cord, a replaceable blade knife for meat care, and another for other stuff, matches/lighters, a chainsaw can be helpful, tire chains, a good attitude.

Don’t let getting ready/packing stress you out. Get the major stuff, if you forget something small you can pick it up on the way.

Know how you’re gonna/wanna hunt and the terrain. Don’t pack a bunch of stuff to glass with if you’re hunting in dark timber.
I have Nikon binoculars 10x42. Would you think a spotting scope will be needed or just binoculars?
Think you'd probably need the Hubble telescope! For the most part, it's pretty much like hunting back east. I suspect back east is where long range shooting at big game really got it's start, does bean field ring a bell? I live out west and have hunted here most my life. Got a set of bionocular's and never carried them with me. Up graded them a few years ago and have never carried the up grade with me! Well over 50 yrs hunting and thinking back have never seen a shot I had to take! This is not to say carrying binoculars is a bad idea, I'm working on getting it through my head I could acually use them. Then, even though it's more weight, I'm gonna try it out! Seem's like everyone back east thinks you hunt back east but out west you simply shoot!