ND Landowner blows up on young waterfowlers

It appeared one of the hunters may have been looking at Onx on his phone in the vid.
Regardless, the "cornfield guy" is a big baby and a nutcase... and a jerk!
Even IF a couple of blades of grass were hanging over "his corn stubble" was it worth showing his butt over it?
He was angry that they beat him to the spot he wanted to hunt and is a childish excuse for an adult.
The landowner contradicted himself at least twice in the video. At the beginning he admitted they weren't on his property but he was still going to sit there and harass them. Then he said he and the others were going to hunt that spot that morning, but the kids said they spoke with the others as they were setting up at the other end of the field BEFORE they set up their spread in that location. The guy just wanted to be an idiot and was trying to extort them for money as is evidenced by his asking for money multiple times.
I hope all charges to both parties stick, if what I’m reading is true. If you get permission from a landowner and they tell you to stay off a certain part of the property, you’d damn well better listen. Good luck to the next group of kids asking permission for that field. It’s not going to be worth the trouble for the landowner to grant it. Idiots all around.
I hope all charges to both parties stick, if what I’m reading is true. If you get permission from a landowner and they tell you to stay off a certain part of the property, you’d damn well better listen. Good luck to the next group of kids asking permission for that field. It’s not going to be worth the trouble for the landowner to grant it. Idiots all around.
I'd be fine with that outcome. And I'm sure the kids would too.
Just a thought but, those guys hunt nodak a lot. What are the chances they knew how this would go down and figured it would make for some good footage.
I hope all charges to both parties stick, if what I’m reading is true. If you get permission from a landowner and they tell you to stay off a certain part of the property, you’d damn well better listen. Good luck to the next group of kids asking permission for that field. It’s not going to be worth the trouble for the landowner to grant it. Idiots all around.
Again, I just don't see these kids purposely ignoring those instructions. Why would they want to piss off Jeff's cousin who gave them permission to hunt? Obviously, they were trying to take advantage of whatever might be on the ducks' menu that day, beans or corn. Personally, I have shot geese on boundaries many times but only if the birds I'm shooting are set up for my decoys. Have no problems letting geese fly by if they are interested in the decoys in the next field over. The only argument I ever had was over who was going to take a goose my dog picked up. They lung shot it and didn't see it go down way up at my end. Similarly, on the first bunch I shot up I got a double but didn't see the second one go down because I was trying to dodge the first one that almost landed on me. He was looking for my goose when I walked out and tried to give him his. My dog got nasty with his (Pearl was very possessive about her geese) and he kicked her (only because he beat me to it). Then he took the bird and left in a huff of swear words. Embarrassing for me. Before I left for the day I turned the two Labs out into that alfalfa field and Opal found my goose. Even more embarrassing. Years later I met the guy at trap club and sorted it out. We both had a laugh over a beer after league. People usually fight over someone trying to steal their birds, not trying to return them.

Edit: I should add that day I set up in my field first. They came after to set up there, saw my headlights, and went to the next field and set up a couple hundred yards away. They definitely had a better setup (full bodies and layout blinds) and I knew they'd get the bulk of the shooting if I didn't intercept the geese coming from the river at the end of my field. If I don't shoot em, I don't have to clean em.
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I kinda wonder about that. The two owners are related (cousins as I recall with same last name). Maybe that claim about instructing them to stay away from the property line was made to keep some peace in the family. Those kids didn't seem to be the type to go looking for trouble, especially not from the guy who graciously gave them permission to hunt.
The kid who posted the video has been charged before for hitting a house and a homeowner while goose hunting. Maybe not looking for trouble but probably also not using the best judgment. I don't know what the truth of the whole deal is, just wanted to include that the trespass wasn't for their blind grass touching the corn across the line.
Again, I just don't see these kids purposely ignoring those instructions. Why would they want to piss off Jeff's cousin who gave them permission to hunt?
Because that’s where the ducks were feeding and they had a YouTube video to make.
Can somebody provide actual link to them being charged with trespass? If this kid is going to be dragged into mud, let's have facts. Anybody's previous history is irrelevant UNLESS there is clear documentation it occurred again. If anything their actions were clearly anything but aggressive. Hunting lines is perfectly ok as long as you are not shooting into other property or unless the owner is actually hunting there. No to both. Stating the "cousin" told them to stay off property line is BS unless you have documentation from that person they provided a statement to that effect. If that was true, it would have been taken in consideration with the charges which it wasn't.
Well if their Onyx is spot on, they will beat that charge. That info will be interesting to see how far off line they were. Or not.
I will say Onyx was 30' feet OFF on corner actual marker on my son's property in N Mi.. So I would be careful using it.
Can somebody provide actual link to them being charged with trespass? If this kid is going to be dragged into mud, let's have facts. Anybody's previous history is irrelevant UNLESS there is clear documentation it occurred again. If anything their actions were clearly anything but aggressive. Hunting lines is perfectly ok as long as you are not shooting into other property or unless the owner is actually hunting there. No to both. Stating the "cousin" told them to stay off property line is BS unless you have documentation from that person they provided a statement to that effect. If that was true, it would have been taken in consideration with the charges which it wasn't.
Its literally the reason trespass was charged. In the investigation, the cousin said that's what he told them (not to hunt the property line), so they technically didn't have permission to hunt that portion of his land. The charge is for hunting the cousin's land, not the guy who is on video. Their OnX track wouldn't save them for that.
So why weren't all of them charged with criminal trespass? That's the question. Or was it the rest were not aware if the instructions?
Charges and being found guilty in a criminal court are two different things, as is being found responsible in a civil hearing. Will have to see how this plays out when facts are considered by the trier of fact
Charges and being found guilty in a criminal court are two different things, as is being found responsible in a civil hearing. Will have to see how this plays out when facts are considered by the trier of fact
Certainly, but if the landowner (cousin) did indeed give permission but tell them to stay off the property line, he’ll almost certainly be convicted.
But the only facts that matter are the ones discussed in court proceedings and their evidentiary weight. Might be some pleas before a trial, or after the parties rest. Usually based on the weight of the evidence presented.

We don't really know all the facts yet. Lotta he said she said from people that weren't there. But I bet Ole Jeff is gonna have a helluva credibility problem.
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