Yeti GOBOX Collection

ND Landowner blows up on young waterfowlers

Waterfowl hunters are crazy.
Dudes lucky they were Minnesota boys and not tule ninjas from sac valley

Guys lose there shit over waterfowl. Had some guys in Belgrade threaten to shoot us over golden eyes 🤦‍♂️
East Gali? Place isn’t what it used to be, folks protect their golden eye merganser honey holes.
the younger guys kept their cool for the badgering this guy did. I skimmed through most of it to the CO part.

I have to say, anytime I hunt private land for ducks and even though we get permission, theres always that part of me wondering if we're stepping on someone else's toes; waterfowl hunters get defensive, heck, don't even say the word "roost" around certain crowds :LOL:
even though I shoot snow geese over decoys, I post pictures on snow goose migration saying I jumped the roost, just to piss people off.
Were you trying to give them yours? aahahahahahah I would agree with them. :p
We floated down the river into a spot with a canoe. They floated past in a drift boat jump shooting. Nothing was flying, time for us to go to work rolled around and we packed up. We came up behind the because drift boats are slow and they were cast and blasting.

We passed them because of course we did, what you going to wait for them. We busted a group of goldeyes off the water and let them fly.

They rolled up right as we were about to drive off and jumped out and had some words... apparently "next time" they'd shoot us.

The hilarious thing was no one had shot a single duck that day.
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I saw this yesterday as well...the trespass thing is move the blind a little, it's just a scare tactic on the wardens part. I get it might BE trespass, but seriously. The real issue is that farmer tried to extort money....he should be in jail for that. I would gladly pay a $25 trespass ticket to see that ass in jail.
I deal with assholes like this all the time. Speaking politely and recording everything was the right decision. Landowner had nothing to gain and everything to lose. He will be the laughing stock of his community but something tells me he already is.

Also I'd say no one would ever write a trespass charge over +/- six inches but then Wyoming had to go and prove me wrong... obviously other things at play on that one