National Forest Recreational Shooting Ban


Dec 23, 2000
The Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest is currently accepting scoping comments on a Forest Plan Revision to address dispersed recreational shooting on the Forest. The proposed action would ban recreational shooting on approximately 287,000 acres, or about 20%, of the Forest.

An interactive map of the proposed closure areas can be viewed at this link.

The comment deadline is September 9. To view all of the project documents, see this link. For instructions on how to comment, click the Comment on Project link on the right side of the page.
That map doesn't seem to leave much. Is there anywhere rec. shooting can be done within a reasonable distance of a road?

Same thing is going to happen around Bozeman if the slobs don't start cleaning up after themselves.
It's no wonder people are doing this on public land. They consider anyone with a gun a sportsman. I was up shooting with a friend of mine who doesn't hunt but who shoots for recreational activities. It's on a mountain where me and my dad would shoot clays twice a week growing up. When we were driving up to my old spots he said sheriffs would run us off. We went to his spot and I was disappointed with the thrash that was left behind by other gun owners. We picked up over two thousand hulls it was all that his razor could haul I was discuted with the filth on the mountain. It's no wonder they don't want people shooting in pristine land scapes. I don't blame the bill. I blame lame ass people who leave trash. Man it just pisses me off that people are so lazy.
Isn't there already a littering law?

If not, start with that.
Seems like everyone has a dog with them while utilizing the public lands. Maybe I have a problem with their dogs leaving presto logs everywhere. Barking? Chasing wildlife?

How about people fornicating on NF lands? Maybe I'm getting tired of seeing prophylactics laying around.




Vent over.:confused:
So we have the BLM with a lack of leadership after reading RobG's post and the Forest Service with some stupid leadership.:(
Not really sure this is about a lack of leadership.

"Recreational shooters" are becoming a huge problem. They leave a ton of trash, kill live trees, start fires, and create safety concerns amongst other users.

It absolutely pains me every time I see a piece of public land closed to target shooting, but it's hard to look at some of these parcels and argue against the closures.
Isn't it about bowing to the lowest denominator? As mentioned, aren't there laws against left shooting detritus and damaging trees already?
Isn't it about bowing to the lowest denominator? As mentioned, aren't there laws against left shooting detritus and damaging trees already?

Sure there are. But without 24/7 babysitting of each and every location, the same stuff happens again and again.

I'm not saying I completely agree with it, but I certainly understand it.
Bummer. I can't even imagine what the recreational shooting locations are near a city of 4 million. The ones near cities of 20,000 in Montana are disgusting.

There used to be a spot at the head of Shingle Creek in the Elkhorns where people shot guns frequently. A couple years ago I had to wait while some bastard shot towards the road where it doglegged. He had his ear protection on and couldn't hear me honking. Just down the road I had to stop a guy on a bicycle and warn him after I was allowed to pass. Last year they shut that area down with signs and fences. I hope they leave reasonable areas where recreational shooting is allowed. NF/BLM is the only place I shoot my guns.
Isn't it about bowing to the lowest denominator? As mentioned, aren't there laws against left shooting detritus and damaging trees already?

Sure they are, and yes there is.

But, with 1 LEO and maybe a couple FPO's to cover 1.4 million acres of forest in the area in often are the lowest common denominator type going to be caught?

Nobody wants their activities limited on NF, but nobody wants to pay for enforcement, management, etc.

Lets be honest, 99% of the public aren't even willing to police themselves.

That leaves very few options for public lands managers.

IMO, perhaps investing in some education, safety, etc. for handling firearms and shooting safety may help. But, the first time there is talk of any type of requirement with anything to do with a firearm, the NRA goes batchit crazy.

It would also make sense to perhaps have designated shooting areas/ranges near population centers.
People who go out and sight in their hunting rifle are not really the problem here. It's the folks who just bought a new zombie apocalypse shotgun and want to go blow chit up. They dump a hundred rounds of ammo through their new 12 gauge, in the process killing a 75-100 year old tree and leaving all of their hulls on the ground.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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