National Elk Refuge - You gotta love it

Thanks for the help ELK HUNTER! I think I finally passed the tutorial, so here goes my attempt at putting up some pictures. This is the buck that showed up on the back porch of the ELK REFUGE INN, 160ish?

and here are a few of the big bulls out on the refuge. Usually there are 10 to 15 thousand out there, but due to mild winter there are only about 4500 out there now.

Hope these came out,

The Elk Inn is totally awesome. I loved waking up in the morning, opening the window and seeing elk, big ass elk standing only a little ways in front of me. Especially since I was in a nice warm room. Doesn't usually happen that way!!!!

Anyways, watch out for elky. I fell into the trap of just one cold one. Best I can remember from that night, Dale & I stumbled out of his house and drove home with one eye covered so we didn't see two of everything...

Just giving you a hard time elky!!!!
Good to see you again Jimmy.
It is a nice site isn't it?

ELKCHASER, it looks like when you got the properties of the picture that maybe you got the properties of the thumbnail picture. Go back to your photo album and click on the thumbnail to go to the full size picture and get the URL for that one. Even though these are small, they are good.
Nice pics Elkchaser..
Thanks Dan...LMAO!!!I should be in better shape by the time we meet again..LOL!!!