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Here's a Yankee's look at the phnomenon of NASCAR. He speaks of Southern ideals as if they're from a foreign land, but has to admit they might be creeping back into his "educated" society a little (but he's obviously hoping not): <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It's a curious thing, Nascar's massive success. In an age of watered-down appeals to the lowest common denominator and concern about offending tender sensibilities, Nascar revels in its throwback authenticity. Races showcase muscular patriotism, grease-filled masculinity, fast cars and the unembarrassed invocation of God. All that goes down very well in the Bible Belt, where Nascar has its roots. But the remarkable growth of the sport has taken Nascar to places that squirm when too many American flags are flown.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> http://www.opinionjournal.com/la/?id=110003932 MY OPINION: With phrases like "throwback," "gas guzzling," and "moonshiners," there's little doubt what this guy thinks about NASCAR.
I think I might just have to start being a race fan!