Name my son for me.

Whatever you do, don't name him Kirk. I have spent my life answering to Chris, Craig, Kurt, and even Bruce. I hated my parents until about High School for naming me Kirk.

My grandfather was named Lycurgus and everyone called him Kirk, so I guess there is even a worse name...
Lycurgus? Wow! Was that a cough medicine? One of my great grandfathers was named Adonnis. Something wrong with parents back then to do that to their kids. But hey, look at the monikers some of the NFL players are carrying these days. What did their parents do, cut out all the letters from the alphabet, mix them in a blender for a minute, and pour out a name?
We named our son after his grandpa's. David James. Absolutely not allowed to call him DJ per mom's orders. Idk if that helps you think of any.
We named our oldest Aidan. He is 35 now. We chose it for it's meaning and Celtic roots. Then it popped on Sex In The City and suddenly every boy born was a Aidan, Kaden, Jaden, Braden. on so on.
We did this but with Liam — short for William and good Celtic roots. Within three years it was the most popular boy name in the country.

Normal names are overrated. Some we considered: Octane, Blister and Baby Truck Boy (suggested by his older brother).
My wife and I are at a complete loss for names for our second boy. We had our first son's name locked and loaded for a couple years before hand, but never thought much past that. Number 2 will be showing up in about a month and we've got nothing.
So, I've come to the greatest collection of minds on the interwebs for help.
We're looking for a "normal" name, if that makes sense.
Our first son's name is Theodore, so Alvin and Simon are off the table (thanks a lot chipmunks). Also, I told my wife no to Franklin because I don't want to just be naming after the Roosevelt family. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Help me out!
You should take both middle names of your grandfathers, put them together and that will make the first and middle name of your son. So middle name of your grandfather is Larry…the middle name of your wife’s grandfather is David….so your sons name would be David Larry and Larry David.
We did this but with Liam — short for William and good Celtic roots. Within three years it was the most popular boy name in the country.

Normal names are overrated. Some we considered: Octane, Blister and Baby Truck Boy (suggested by his older brother).
Best hunting dog I'll ever own I named Ethyl. On the way home after picking her from the litter I stopped at a full service station on the edge of Whitefish to fuel up my '53 Bel Air. The old fella manning the pumps asked me, "Regular or ethyl?" I decided this pup on my lap would be premium stuff. And she was

My dad was Oliver. No one was an Oliver but my bro and he goes by John. LOL
Heard it is popular again.

Some relatives names from the old country. The second was a great joke with friends until we figured out our boy’s name. I repeated it enough to where they started taking me seriously.

My wife and I couldnt agree on any names. X out the ones you absolutely cant stand from her, then pick one thats left. Worked for me at least lol.
Roan (my wife argues that's a girls name though so....)
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