NAHC bashers (and anyone else that posts here actually)


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I was reading the WELCOME NAHC and the Bashing that goes on in there on the NAHC club, so I took the time to explain a few things about clubs and more importantly about this site.

BILL said : "Moosie readily talks to anyone." Implying that this was a Friendlier site and that at least here the "HEAD CHEESE" (If I can Use that term) takes the Time out to talk to everyone and Respond to Questions as much as He(me actually) can. I really like that feeling and knowing I do that.

That I do, But I still don't get to reply to Every post, And , I don't answer all my Emails. Some people still get mad or think I don't like them. So I fall under the NAHC "HEAD GUYS" place sometimes. I'm human and Have a Busy life off the net too (Unless you ask my wife and she'll say this place is my life. *WINK WINK*

I get alot of Emails and phone calls and sometimes I just nuke a bunch. I try to Respond to everyone but posting here takes a few Hours a day on Average and If I reply (just a Basic reply) to 30 people a day with Board and personal (Sometimes it's one in the same
) thats another 2 hours @ 4 mins a Message which isn't alot of time.

Some Messages ask to have Help on the Board which can Go into the 1.2 hour - hour mark.

This is My point of this post (Which I usually don't have

I could Burn 16 hours a Day replying and fixin' stuff. NAHC has a Little bigger staff, but has ALOT more people then I have here so that could be a reason they don't seem "AS FRIENDLY".

I'm not defending them for I think It's kind of a Shiester deal, but I don't know all the Story behind it either so I'm noton the BASHING wagon.

If you're not aware, there is a Voletary paying Membership here to help run this site. Simular to the NAHC club, just at a smaller level. I usually send out a WELOCME to Email to new Register's.

I hunted 74 days last year going to Canada and AK in the mix of hunting My home state of Idaho. I definately didn't do it off of any Membership money. Not at all.

For Example, Last year we had about 40 (I think) members sign up, and a few "Comp" memberships for people . If you do the Math you'd think I'm making TONS of money and not loosing it.. But lets do some math.

Mwmbership we calc'ed at $24/year. Paypal takes a buck (about)on Electronic transfers but it's handy so what do ya do
( for the transitions). So that's $23 lets say for the membership. At 40 people (about $920). I send out (Actually Mojave sends it all) some stuff with the Initial Sign in. It's no Different then the NAHC or another club thus far. I just paid last month $400 for Web space I owed for last year still with another Check here in a month for the beginning of this year I need to send.

We have a Newsletter that costs about 2 bucks to print on Laser and we send them another place to fold and Staple (0.25 a piece) and we only had 3 last year instead of 4 but we should have 4. So that's about $2.25. Mailing on to of that At .37 x 4 so we'll say a $1.50/year (each).

So about total newsletters = $3.75 (total) x 50(w/ the comp ones) = $190

We also are Sending out decals in the Next Newsletters to everyone that renued (Which is about only 8 people as of today I think ..
) and Even Our cost (Which I don't know off hand) is around 6-7 bucks and Shipping. So that's (@ all the members and @ the 6-7 bucks) = $300-$350)

Now, we're upgradeing the board later this month or Next month and Are gonig to be out a Couple Hundred bucks for that.

This ALL doesn't include the HOURS that Delw, Mojave, myself (And others) have put in.

I'm not saying that clubs, Especially NAHC aren't making money from people but to Say they are getting to go hunting on the money and such I just can't see. At least at this level I don't see it ? We've always Ran a Negative Deficite at this place. I guarentee the $ coming in has helped a bunch, And It's a Volenteer donation thing, but no-one is hunting or making a living off of it at this place.

I can see that the bigger "club" (If you will) is the better off it is and we run a Small private ship, but the Idea of what we do isn't different then any other "CLUB". We're just more of a Family then most.

I make.... Well, thats not important but WELL over Minimum wage at my Regualr Job and I'd be FAR better working only 1 extra hour a year and pocketing it then the 500+ hours I spend on the net.

The difference is, I like doing this (net/board stuff) and even at loosing money I'll continue. It's like hunting and trying to put a Price on the meat. I've made more in Friendships and such then $'s can be put on. So this place (Hopefully) will always have the personal "I'm ME and welcoem to our house" attitde and hopefully everyone can Enjoy it as much as I have.

Hopefully in the Future we'll have 100's of "Suporting members" and we can Grow into something more "GOODER"( that's a word around here ya know)

I know you guys weren't bringing into this "GOING HUNTING/ MILKING MEMBERS/ Piece of Chit" catagory, but I felt a little on the Defensive with the "CLUB" bashing so I postd it just as an F.Y.I.

Sorry for the Long wind there......
Nope, I'm agreeing with you.
That comes from 4+ years of seeing the same argument go on...and on...and on...and on....It's been on the NAHC board many times, now it goes on here. Some folks get entirely too wanked over little things. It's nice to see you step up and be rational about the subject and put in your point of view from both sides of the ditch, that's all.
Moosie I thinkthe folk here understand the club concept. I also think they understand that you are not making a killing off the BB. You see Moosie; you used the right word; "Family". Even at NAHC, that is how many of the members were becoming. Unfortunately, NAHC management made themselves the "red headed step children"!
I have no beef with anyone making a buck. I do have a beef with anyone who pisses on my leg and tells me it is raining.
For 2004 my NY Resolution is to remember to write Moosie a check for dues and a white hat!!
Ok, bud! I've been a lurker here for more than two years. I've gotten into some hot arguements
, but I've also been a part of some awesome discussions!

I can't put a price on the help I've received from Oscar and others. You bet I'll pay a little visit to paypal for ya! Thanks for the great site and for introducing me do so many great friends! (Except for Delw
PawClause... thanx for the Check (Or the thought of it at least). I'm actually thinking about a Life time membership option here...

Ya interested ?

It's not worth alot now, *WINK WINK* But when we're the Biggest "place on the earth" (And we are goin gto be so) you can Say "YAH, I'm Life Member #1 (or 2,3,4 Whatever) at Moosie's"

I honestly think NAHC is a Scam. I'm guessing I'm kicking someone in the nads but if I'm wrong tell me. What do they do? Isn't it a Private Company that gets products donated (Let's say 20 new bow releases). they send 15 out to the Members to "TRY". they keep 5 for the Up-in-ups. then Have 14 of the 15 like the Free release. (Who doesn't like free stuff, and if someone says "It was Alrght, that counts as a YES I LIKE IT.) Now, they can give the Manufacturer a 93.3% rating on Product evaluation on ALL the NAHC members.. Which I'm guessing is in the Hundreds to thousands of people ?

Anyways.. I think I had a Moment, And although I'd love to Jsut post here and Get money to do so, It ain't happening. But I do Apreciate the Support in the $, the Posting, and the Friendship that EVERYONE has Contribted to this place. That's why it's worth it.

AZ, I did have a Moment... Which is better then a Movement, Which is What I need to do now so I'm grabbing my 1/4ly Newsletter and going to the Crapper to read.....
Moosie-My Man!

I want to start by stating that I speak only for myself, and do not intend, nor imply, to represent ANY other members, or former members, of the NAHC.

There HAVE been a lot of disgruntled NAHC member that have found their way to your Hunt Talk Forum, in the recent past.

Look at them as you would our past Pilgrims, in search of a better life, where one could speak his/her opinion, without fear of political retribution, censorship, isolation, and/or banishment.. Away from a place where taxation (mandatory fees) went without representation. A home where the "membership" felt like they "were the club", and not just a paycheck for the staff and ownership. (By the way, there's a DONATION on its way, not a tax payment, hope it helps some).

Last month something went terribly wrong over at THE CLUB. It started with a personal opinion being expressed, and just went Waaaaaaayyyyyyyy too far! Management made a very, very bad decision. They chose to drop the sledge hammer on some vocal members, instead of using gentlemanly discourse. This just fueled a spark into a raging blaze they weren't prepared to face, so they made another very, very bad decision. CENSORSHIP! They went so far a to immediately delete any post that gave the E-mail addresses of the leadership, which are published in their own magazine!! Finally, in a desperate move they removed all access to the forum, to all members. I guess they felt they need to regroup themselves (legally?) , but it took more than a couple days (weeks) for them to open the forum access again. When they did, any, and all posts, which stated anything slightly detrimental to the course of actions by the leadership was deleted!

I know other participants on that board were censored, as was I.

So, if you sense some tension, anger, angst from some of us FORMER members, let it pass. We will also, in time. For now, you, Mr. Moosie Sir, have provided we Pilgrims with what we felt we were laying out our hard earned $$$ for.

I don't need a sticker to put on my truck, a POS Life Member Certificate, a cheap bobble to hang on my coat zipper, nor unwanted junk mail selling a $30 knife for $125, just cuz it has some D**N logo on it!

Just keep up the good work Buddy, and if it get's rough ($), let us know, that's what FRIENDS do.


Retired Marine Warrant Officer (but still on watch)
EX-NAHC member
Gunner46, I don't mind the Bashing of another place. Heck, I don't mind Bashing of this place. If there is something that needs to be changed we can Work on it. And I don't have the Right to tell someone what they should or shouldn't do. If you like me, tell me, if ya don't tell me too. I/we aren't the type to shut down a place because someone doesn't say something nice. If problems occur (And they do sometimes) I try t Pick up the Phone and Put the Fires out. Alot of which is long distance because some of you guys (or most) don't live close by

What I was doing was Defending (MY/OUR) club, forums, suporting memberships, Newsletters, or what have you, etc. It wouldn't be long or hard to take a Look at NAHC and say "Moosies doing the same". So I wanted to Clarify some "FACTS" about what I offer so the MASS doesn't go crazy like it did on NAHC. I pride my/our board. It probably wasn't wrrented but I felt the need to stand up a little..hehe.

I'm guessing (And thats cuz I got a 3rd grade Ejikation
) that the reason you and others are here is because you like the Way I (or we)run this ship. Thats why you're here right ? It's a free site for anyone, I'm not here to ask for a penny from someone that doesn't have one, but I do apreciate the donations. It helps take the Burdons off. If 100 people give 1$ rather than 1 person giving $100 would make it easier for everyone (If that makes sence? )

So last year my wife was a bit upset because I was the 1 person and not the one of 100, so I asked for a bit of help on this board and I got it. I was reluctant to do such because I've seen HuntAmerica do the same and it backfired BIG TIME!! I didn't want anyone to misunderstand what I was asking for. But with the help of a few we got a new site/server to host this board and we're upgrading to make it better too. And I'm thanxfull for that.

I didn't start this to trick anyone into memberships, $24 is a lot of Money to Alot of people and like I said I'll always have an Internet home for my "FAMILY". we don't put Lables on people that support so everyone is Equal here. Heck, I don't even handle it so I don't know who is and Who isn't ?!?! Mojave handes it and it works better that way.

I just wanted you to know that there is alot of time and Money that takes place behind the sceense (Some of which should go to my spelling lessons..Giggle Giggle

Thanx for the Kind words my Friends, And remember, I'm just a 'Post' / 'PM' / 'E-MAIL' / or 'CALL' away !

I finally pushed the right buttons and registered. Thanks for the kind invitation. The rules and request are fair enough in my humble opinion. This is a nice set-up you have here, and I will endeavor to become an asset to the community/family here. Many of the names I see are already familiar to me...good to see you guys.


Thanks for directing me to this site. Pretty classy act they have going on here.

A formal introductory post to follow.

My regards,
Ok moosie, I feel sorry for ya man so I will join up and become a member. I am kind of poor right now but have been colecting aluminum cans from along the highway and the dumpsters at the local apartments. If you give me your address I will send you 22 garbage bags full of cans. Look for it mid January.
How much are you paying for hosting!?!?!

I know you have a large site but the bandwidth can't be that bad when you only have the number of people you do at one time here. The IHLA is a reseller for Interland but we host ourselves because it is soooo much cheaper.

And as far as upgrading the software, I'll see to it that Santa gives you v6.3 for free if it helps.

If there is ever anything you even think I might be able to help out with, ASK

Happy New Year, John
fecl. Thanx for the Offer, I think I have a Few Extra Cans I'll send you instead.

Chairman, Check yer PM.
Wll Moosie, Paws directed alot of us over here but like Gunner said what ever you need let us know. I get in trouble for doind thingd without telling the wife but if you need me to join so be if I can only pry the credit card out of her hand while she is sleeping.
LMAO Scotty.. You know we accept Checks, Money orders, and Cash to

Don't get in trouble man, I'm jsut glad you're posting here, that means alot if you like our home, hopefully you consider it your too !!!
Gee Moosie; maybe that's what got NAHC upset. I kept faxing my dues in!
Hey Moosie now I think I understand why I haven't gotten my "BRAND NEW CHEVY 4X4 SERRIA" from you yet. I'm just really glad I didn't hold my breath


By the way the checks in the mail

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-03-2004 10:55: Message edited by: Reddoggie1 ]</font>
Chevy?? Moosie, you promising Chevys again? What happen, you run out of Dodges..?? I'm glad I got mine while you still had them.

You guys all take advantage of Moosnutz while he's in a good mood.. Sooner or later he'll be back to dancin' nekkid in streams and pee'in in the water up stream of your camp.

Oscar, Do you have a button on this damned thing that will donate to the paypal fund?? I want one of them window stickers so I can put it on my ex-wife's window...


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