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My Semi-Custom, sort of upgraded Tikka Build

Tikka is apparently dropping the 300 WSM from their product line. All of the newer 300 Win Mag barrels for this year have the 1:10” twist. The new barrels read:
300 Win Mag 10”

Wow. Seems dumb but I’m sure they know their market better than me. A WSM can at least load long bullets seated long with a simple mag/bolt stop change unlike the WM. A 10 twist wsm would have been money.
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Great looking set up! I'm anxious to see how it prints. I sure love my Tikka. Can't beat them for the price IMO. I have the same *small* complaints as others with the slower twists and short-ish mags, shorter barrels than I'd like... I never looked at different options for the mag lengths, so thanks for that info Gila on the Red Snake. I had also wished for a threaded barrel for the purpose of giving the option for a brake etc., but the new Tikkas seem to have addressed this as well. I know I could go get mine threaded, but I'd hate for it to somehow mess up a perfectly accurate rifle for such a small want.

Wllm1313- I'd also like to know how the new Tikkas are shooting once you get it out to the range.
Have owned 3 Socko...never a moment's pause due to their 24 & a fraction bbl length nor twist. Super accurate and slick as a whistle actions. Have not handled any of the newer Tikka but the older ones, except for the plastic, felt ok and cycled smoothly. This is a cool thread for checking out the currents.
I cant speak highly enough about Tikka. I own 2. I have a 7mm08 that is stock and I have taken all over hunting. Last year I finished a 2 year project on a fully custom 300wm that I built myself and pretty darn proud of. I hope you enjoy yours as much as I enjoy mine.
I cant speak highly enough about Tikka. I own 2. I have a 7mm08 that is stock and I have taken all over hunting. Last year I finished a 2 year project on a fully custom 300wm that I built myself and pretty darn proud of. I hope you enjoy yours as much as I enjoy mine.
Wow. Seems dumb but I’m sure they know their market better than me. A WSM can at least load long bullets seated with a simple mag/bolt stop change unlike the WM. A 10 twist wsm would have been money.
I think they are using up the old 300 WSM barrels as they are dropping the 300 WSM from their product lines. Personally, I like the advantages of the WSM cartridge based on the .404 Jeffrey. The 30 Nosler is also based on the .404 Jeffery. The 30 Nosler uses standard length actions. But, reloading components and preloaded ammunition was expensive and uncommon before the hard times. Now, it is difficult to find ammo and reloading components. During the best of times brass was uncommon and expensive.

It is a numbers game. Produce only what you can sell.

That is a sweet rifle! Nice bull too! Did you change the bolt shroud? I’f so why?

I have an original T3 that I bought in 2004 in .270 Win. I have never missed with it. I have used a standard VX II with 3x9 and dropped pronghorn out to 460 yards. It has a 22“ barrel. Kicking out a 130 gr bullet at 3100fps works well in that rifle.
That is a sweet rifle! Nice bull too! Did you change the bolt shroud? I’f so why?

I have an original T3 that I bought in 2004 in .270 Win. I have never missed with it. I have used a standard VX II with 3x9 and dropped pronghorn out to 460 yards. It has a 22“ barrel. Kicking out a 130 gr bullet at 3100fps works well in that rifle.
I’m sure you know the shrouds used to be plastic on the t3 but the newer models they are metal. So I just sanded it down and painted it for a little flair. Red is my favorite color.
Well, yesterday was the first time out shooting the new rifle. Bore sighted at 50 yards put some on paper at 50 then moved out to 100 and sighted in the scope. Was shooting dimes at 100 yd so went out to 200 and tweaked a bit on windage. It is a sweet shooter. The most accurate rifle I have ever owned. I had the rifle completely apart and changed out numerous parts. Amazing to me is that I put everything back together correctly. I was very careful with the torque especially with the action screws. The recoil lug fit nice and snug. The action went back into place quite well.

Since the barrel had been test fired, I cleaned it throughly with Boar cleaner when I first got it. I tried something different with this new barrel. After firing 3 rounds I cleaned the barrel which was full of small copper flakes. Fired three more rounds and cleaned, not as much fouling or copper. Fired 6 rounds (while letting the barrel cool off between rounds) and cleaned. Fired another 6 rounds and cleaned. There was less fouling. It was like the barrel became “seasoned” after about the 15th round. There was less vibration and the rifle just seemed to settle in.

Nothing became loose or changed position at all. The front lens cap flew off but no worse for wear. Everything is dialed in, so the next trip to the range will be to walk out to 500 yards and practice positions. To say elk fever is kicking in is an understatement. I have a first rifle tag in one of the best elk units in New Mexico.
Thanks. I was prepared to change out the stock if I didn’t get the performance or the comfort. I also didn’t want to brake it unless it was uncomfortable to shoot. It actually kicks less than my T3 .270 win. Really makes a difference with the Limbsaver recoil pad and the Triad stock pack. Since the SS barrel is a nice bead blasted color that matches the pic rail and the receiver, I won’t ceracote. Now that I know I am going to keep the stock, I will paint it when I can figure out how to get the pattern I want.
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