My personal experience with an illegal immigrant this weekend

Matt - as I said, I have not read the police report...but my neighbor who called the police was there, participated in the conversation with the police as the driver tried to claim that (a) her father, who was not there, was driving (b) then tried to claim that her mother, who was in the car, was driving - both asserttions denied by all the witnesses present. Further - my insurance agent lives up the street from me, and he also was present for the conversation with the police. Both of them confirmed that status, as well as the uninsured and unlicensed status. Perhaps your neighbors don't think enough of you to become involved in that type of situation and would turn a blind eye to it.

Are you insinuating that I am a liar? Are you saying that I have seen the police report, that I have made the whole thing up or what?

It is you who is making the assumption that my situation is worse due to the driver being an illegal immigrant - I never said that. I simply recited that facts. Do you doubt that illegal immigrants are less likely to be insured and less likely to have a driver's license than citizens or legal immigrants, by percentage of population?

This person has an outstanding warrant for her arrest. She should not have been on the street, much less driving on one. She does not have a license. She does not have insurance (a legal requirement in CA to drive or to own a car.) She should not have been here, period. This incident should not have occurred... The fact is, that it was not a licensed, insured, legal resident that hit my car. Is that too complex for you to understand?
Cali, stop talking sensible, some minds here won't understand that kind of presentation.
Cali- Just seems odd that your friend and your insurance agent would find out the citizenship status and the fact there is a warrant out for her arrest but not a name and/ or phone number of the person involved in the accident. Especially the insurance agent as the first thing the insurance company will try to do is get some of the expense reimbursed.

My neighbors would have simply called law enforcement and got the relevant information (name, insurance number, license plate #, etc) if it was possible. They probably would have tried to get other information also but that's because they like to "gossip across the fence a lot."
Calif- I'm curious...if you don't know the name of the person who hit your car, didn't read the police report, nor did you see the person, how did you find out the person was an illegal immigrant? You must have asked something about the person in order to get this information. I'm also wondering if the person who hit your vehicle was a citizen would it make you happier? The fact you make it a point to say the person was an illegal immigrant makes it sound like the accident in some way was worse due to this...I am glad your car will be paid for through insurance.

Matt... the differance is....CITIZENS are held accountable!:hump:... Illegal scum who are breeding more criminals and teaching them to run and hide from their actions... are THE problem..:).

By the way.. what happened to Cali... most likely happend 200 times that day... by other illegal scum..
Matt - my insurance agent did get the info, I'm sure, as he knows his job better than you do, I bet. Or are you an insurance agent? I just haven't been curious about it. What good does a name do me and how would it add anything to this discussion? Besides, if it was a Hispanic name, then it would just give you and Hoser the opportunity to attack me as racist if I posted it. I don't care what her name is, I don't care what race she is. She is an uninsured, unlicensed driver with a warrant out for her arrest, and she is here illegally. What part of that don't you understand? Why attack me, my neighbors and my insurance agent/neighbor?

Do you think the person, if unlicensed, uninsured, with a warrant for their arrest and here illegally would have simply given your neighbors all that info voluntarily? Or would they have lied? My neighbors did not find this out on their own - they participated in the conversation with the police and as witnesses. The police were not going to come neighbor called them a second time and demanded that they come out or he was going to talk to the Chief on Monday. (Benefits of a small town, even in So Cal.) Five patrol cars then showed up. Go figure. I'll get a copy of the police report from teh claims adjuster when it is available.

Quit being an idiot, Matt, and just arguing for the sake of hearing yourself talk. You make no sense - like assuming my agent didn't get her name. Sheesh -
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Calif- That's funny! You aren't interested in the ethnicity of the person or the name of the person but you are interested in whether they are in this country legally or not. My opinion is you know the ethnicity of the woman as it's clear you know a lot of details about this person. I agree that it doesn't make a difference. I really don't think being illegal or not makes much of a difference either. I would certainly be mad about my insurance being dinged for an uninsured motorist. My real question is why did you make being illegal such a big point of the discussion? Was the accident worse because they were illegal? Will your insurance rates be any different? Was it to say there are illegal immigrants in the city you live in too? I don't see the relevance, other than you want to vent about illegal immigrants.
Illegal immigrants cost us all money, Matt. Like it or not - that's a fact. Higher insurance costs, hgiher medical costs, higher crime, demand for social services, etc.

You are an ass. Big balls to call me a liar on the internet. I will say it once more - I do not yet know her ethnicity, and it doesn't matter. Illegal immigration is a problem. Keep your head where you have it planted, and keep telling yourself how intelligent or superior you are - your posts prove otherwise.

The point of talking about her illegal status is to relay my personal experience, echoed by hundreds or thousands of others. Her illegal status is what bothers me - not her race or ethnicity. It seems to matter more to you, though.

The fact of the matter is that you just want to argue with me, and trying to win an internet argument is what matters to you - not the truth.
Cut the guy some slack shit I knew he was talkin about an illegal Mexican before I even opened the post:rolleyes:?!

His point is the bitch shouldn't have even been in our country or behind the wheel; thus if Law Enforcement could do their damned jobs and not have a bunch of squeeling Libs tell them not too; this would NEVER have happened - no dented car, no 'insurance claim', and no internet thread about it either?!

...Cali lives in Cali so "he knows of what he speaks", as have I who lived in LA, Miami, and NYC for years. Unless you've got 150,000 to say 1.2 million illegal Mexicans living in your state and 'have to actually deal with this shit day-in day-out'; you should probably just drop it.

If 30,000 illegals showed up on the streets of Bozeman everyday and started doing all the stupid shit they do elsewhere; I'm sure Matt would change his tune real fast!?

I live in Montana now and haven't seen an illegal Mexican in a year.

...Life as it should be, in the good old USA....

Cut Matt some slack, he ain't that stupid or liberal...that's just the view he's stuck with using Jose's butt for a periscope.:cool:

...stated in a fireside friendly way of course.;)
Moe- No Montana doesn't have illegal aliens as a problem...instead we have drunk a**holes that like to drive the wrong way on the interstate (two in one day in Missoula)...Montana is #1 with alcohol problems (but they are I guess that makes it better). Fact is, there's always something or someone to complain about...Cali has an issue with illegal aliens...I have an issue with people who drink and drive (though I don't start a post everytime I see it happen) sounds like you just have issues.

BTW-Cali I didn't call you a liar as I really don't think you are. It just sounds odd that of all the details you received, the one missing was race. I'll be honest, I would tell the race of the person as part of the description...I assume most others would too. The bottom line for my arguments isn't whether illegal aliens are good or bad...I don't like it either but using an accident as the reason you don't like it just kind of bugs me. If you want to argue the problems of illegal immigration, argue the problems. Amongst the list, your car being hit is not in the top 1000...I'll guarantee it. As an additional point...that gal will be a legal citizen in just a few months but your car will still have a dent, the cost of her living here will still be just as high (or higher because of the child) and she will still not have insurance or be a licensed driver...My dad had his truck hit 20 years ago by an unlicensed, uninsured, male citizen and my dad's insurance had to cover it, which increased the rates at that time. I'll guarantee my dad was not real happy about it...but he didn't make a big deal about the guy being a citizen, being male or being was the fact he had no insurance that angered him.
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Obviously Cali was blinded by the "illegal immigrant" part as that is what he titled this thread with. For some reason, he chooses to ignore all the other parts, including the part where he was wrong, and, instead focus on an irrelevant part of the episode.

Classic Cali..... LMAO
My real question is why did you make being illegal such a big point of the discussion? Was the accident worse because they were illegal? Will your insurance rates be any different? Was it to say there are illegal immigrants in the city you live in too? I don't see the relevance, other than you want to vent about illegal immigrants.

Intellectual dishonesty--unless you really aren't smart enough (in a friendly, fireside way, of course) to understand Cali's point--won't get you very far in arguments with people who have common sense, I'm afraid.

Giving you the benefit of the doubt (meaning you can't figure out why the status of a person who shouldn't have been in this country in the first or second place, wrecking Cali's car, is pertinent info), I'm happy to break it down for you.
The scofflaw driver being illegal is pertinent because:
1) she hit Cali's car and was uninsured. Cali's rates will likely see a jump of some sort like your dad's did
2) many illegals are uninsured--the percentages of illegal drivers who are uninsured are far greater than citizens and permanent resident drivers who are uninsured (or do you doubt that, too?)
3) she had a warrant for her arrest (shouldn't have been in the country to hit Cali's car) and was still cited and released (because LEOs don't want to deal with the headache of contacting ICE, who will probably tell said LEO to "turn her loose" because they don't want to deal with the headache). Do you think citizens or permanent residents would be afforded the same (lenient) treatment?
4) if your first act in this country is breaking a federal law, you're probably going to tend to take a more liberal view of how closely you're going to follow any law. We don't get to pick and choose them, Matt. We follow them or suffer the consequences. So why can't that rule be applied to everyone?

I suspect if Cali's car had been struck by a drunk driver (citizen or not) that might have been the topic of his post. I guess it would have been okay with you to mention that status, but she was only breaking a law you probably don't care about. Get a couple drinks in her next time. And she'll still be set free...
For the two idiots that our village is blessed with - the topic was the illegal status. Not race or ethnicity. The point being that she should not have been here, should not have been driving and, via the warrant, should have been in jail and not driving. Thus, my car should not have been hit if any of several laws had been enforced. To be registered legally, the car and driver must be insured. To drive legally, you need a license and insurance. And she is here illegally. None of that has to do with race, and race is not my concern. It is lame to cry "racism" every time the problem of illegal immigration is brought up. In fact, to assume that is, in itself, racist. Obviously Hoser thinks "Hispanic" when he hears the term. There is a huge Asian illegal immigration problem, too - as just one example that is not Hispanic in nature.

What part of illegal don't you understand, and how does "illegal" equate to any particular race?
My opinion is you know the ethnicity of the woman as it's clear you know a lot of details about this person. I agree that it doesn't make a difference.

By the way - I don't pussyfoot around, insinuate or mealymouth - I have said I do not yet know her ethnicity or race. If that is not calling me a liar, what is it?

We do seem to agree that it does not make a difference. I did not ask then and have not talked to my neighbors any further about it since Sunday. I will get a copy of the police report from the insurance adjuster sooner or later.
I wonder what turn this thread will take when it turns out the lady's name is Kim Sou. Not to say that a hispanic couldn't be named Kim Sou... just sayin....:rolleyes:
By the way - I don't pussyfoot around, insinuate or mealymouth - I have said I do not yet know her ethnicity or race. If that is not calling me a liar, what is it?

LMAO...... 5 days later and you still don't know her name, what country she came from, or anything else, just comfortable in knowing she had an expired document?

You have had time to waste posting threads on illegal immigrants and your racist diatribes, but not time enough to get the police report that was filed on the damage to your property?

Yeah, I got a bridge to sell you..... :hump:

Here is the phone number and contact information for the Police Report request....

Communications/Dispatch & Records
7792 Walker Street
La Palma, CA 90623
Phone: (714) 690-3370
Fax: (714) 523-7351
Link: Communications/Dispatch & Records Information
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UofA just released a study on the cost of illegal immigrants. $1.5 BILLION a year to Arizona and that did not include the cost to insurance companies for covering uninsured drivers or to the people who pay extra for that coverage. I will bet that 95% of our illegals are from Mexico so we can certainly safely guess that they are illegals from Mexico. My bet is California is the same but their costs to the state are much higher. You can say that this lady will be legal in a few months but don't bet on it. I think amnesty is off the table unless they pass it before november and I have not heard one word from Obama about that toxic issue. Illegals from Mexico are a major problem and whether people like it or not we are going to fix that problem. I don't see the democrats standing in the way because their unions will take it in the butt if they support making 15 million new people citizens that will compete for their jobs. Dream on but the party is over.
Ringer- two words...anchor baby... I don't think this is a correct practice but as of now it is a legal practice. The lady is pregnant. I really disagree with amnesty...Reagan was able to get it to pass but I doubt in the current political climate it will.
[QUOTEYou have had time to waste posting threads on illegal immigrants and your racist diatribes][/QUOTE]

Hoser - show me anything I have posted in this thread that is racist.

You, however, continually show your racism by associating "illegal immigrant" with a certain race. What a moron. The biggest bigot here calling someone else racist.

You still have never said why you believe "illegal" is okay. LYAO all you want, but we are all laughing at you.

I was told it would take up to 10 days to get the police report, and the insurance company is going to get it. Why should I bother to get one, as it makes no difference to me? What is the police report going to tell me? That my car got hit?
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Cali, did you ever once wonder if the troll your arguing with really means anything he says or is just trying to be a troll? Remember the "calling out Jose" topic?
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