I am back. burned by a sweet talking outfitter to hunt on shitty private land. I actuallly left my 7 day hunt after 5 days to hunt the private land on my own even though i was still paying the outfitter . I tried to leave after the 3rd day but they would not reduce my hunt to a shorter cheaper hunt.
I got so pissed with the conflicting statements that the guides made compared to the outfitter on animal quality and other matters that i told my rookie 19 yr old guide to take me to a rental car place so i could go on my own. He didnt blame me one bit.
I know 3 days sounds like a fast give up but i did stay for 5. It was a spot and stalk property, so after not even seeing a legal 4 pt for 2 of the 5 and only spikes the rest, and even less cows that spikes it makes a spot and stalk hunt gloomy. I wanted and was assured by the outfitter i would see multiple 300 bulls to stalk. I never saw one over the low 200s. they were all on the property next door that had the feed and cover and water. This high desert chunk was very low on any sign. the guides slipped up and told me they didnt see any 300 bulls all season yet. that pissed me off too. I was lied to big time. It was one of those outfitters that gets your name from NM if you dont draw so i am sure some of you got his flyers about SE colorado.
I was told i was getting a special LOV tag in a high success unit, then the night before i flew out i was told i was getting a over the counter tag in a different unit. I checked the stats on this unit and it was half the kill success as the one i was told about.
After i left on the 5th day to hunt public land i met some nice guy wth a motor home that was hunting mostly by himself . He invited me to hunt and stay with him for the next 5 days and we had fun hunting and fishing. He had a friend along that was related to his wife somehow and was along just to fish and call elk for him. i was much happier even though i was still paying 600$ a day for that private desert shithole from the outfitter. I also saw more and bigger Elk. also found a carcass with big bears on it.
I met the coolest Game warden, he showed me a few spots and even helped us get the motor home un-stuck. I told him the name of the outfitter and he laughed! he said he never heard so many complaints about one guy and wondered how he keeps his permit to outfit.
There is more to the story.... when i get time. Moosie, sorry the lucky hat didnt work, i will still pay you for it anyway!!!!LOL, just give me a few days to settle down and get some checks made out.
Hey greenhorn, interested in guiding me next year?? All i ask is to see good animals, the rest is up to me. private E-mail me if you are interested now that you are a real guide, i would pay you more that any outfitter would. I dont need any hand holding, just a good hunting spot and a good caller to bring em in. I can eat shit for food and spike camp without complaints, all i want it a good spot scouted out, nothing else. I can hike like a 20 yr old too. Let me know .
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-01-2002 20:05: Message edited by: schmalts ]</font>
I got so pissed with the conflicting statements that the guides made compared to the outfitter on animal quality and other matters that i told my rookie 19 yr old guide to take me to a rental car place so i could go on my own. He didnt blame me one bit.
I know 3 days sounds like a fast give up but i did stay for 5. It was a spot and stalk property, so after not even seeing a legal 4 pt for 2 of the 5 and only spikes the rest, and even less cows that spikes it makes a spot and stalk hunt gloomy. I wanted and was assured by the outfitter i would see multiple 300 bulls to stalk. I never saw one over the low 200s. they were all on the property next door that had the feed and cover and water. This high desert chunk was very low on any sign. the guides slipped up and told me they didnt see any 300 bulls all season yet. that pissed me off too. I was lied to big time. It was one of those outfitters that gets your name from NM if you dont draw so i am sure some of you got his flyers about SE colorado.
I was told i was getting a special LOV tag in a high success unit, then the night before i flew out i was told i was getting a over the counter tag in a different unit. I checked the stats on this unit and it was half the kill success as the one i was told about.
After i left on the 5th day to hunt public land i met some nice guy wth a motor home that was hunting mostly by himself . He invited me to hunt and stay with him for the next 5 days and we had fun hunting and fishing. He had a friend along that was related to his wife somehow and was along just to fish and call elk for him. i was much happier even though i was still paying 600$ a day for that private desert shithole from the outfitter. I also saw more and bigger Elk. also found a carcass with big bears on it.
I met the coolest Game warden, he showed me a few spots and even helped us get the motor home un-stuck. I told him the name of the outfitter and he laughed! he said he never heard so many complaints about one guy and wondered how he keeps his permit to outfit.
There is more to the story.... when i get time. Moosie, sorry the lucky hat didnt work, i will still pay you for it anyway!!!!LOL, just give me a few days to settle down and get some checks made out.
Hey greenhorn, interested in guiding me next year?? All i ask is to see good animals, the rest is up to me. private E-mail me if you are interested now that you are a real guide, i would pay you more that any outfitter would. I dont need any hand holding, just a good hunting spot and a good caller to bring em in. I can eat shit for food and spike camp without complaints, all i want it a good spot scouted out, nothing else. I can hike like a 20 yr old too. Let me know .
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-01-2002 20:05: Message edited by: schmalts ]</font>