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My First Elk Hunt

Just keep on going, you will gain the experience and patience that it will take to bag one of those magnificent creatures. Time, experience and learning your elk hunting area. They will all pay-off in the end. :D
Flip, Elks,

Thanks, I truly did enjoy myself.


I am not sure about the "experience" part of the hunt but I did learn some things. I learned not to hunt how others like to hunt if their methods are not successfull. On this, my first elk hunt, those methods were not successfull and thats not to say they never are.

Next time, I will ambush hunt, in an area where elk are known to be. Thats "MY" preffered method. If it doesn't net a dead elk, so be it, but I do have more time to set-up on an elk that way. If I see it, a long ways off, before it see's me then I have the "time" I need to get set for a killing shot versus walking thru woods and "hoping" I run across an elk and have more then a few seconds to make a deadly shot.

I would "guess" that most trophy animals are taken via ambush. Thats not to say I am trophy hunting, because I wasn't but it does show a better method - if your patient enough to sit and wait - I am.

Have a good one,

Don........your "set up and ambush " tactic surely works. I have a taxidermist friend who has hunted Co that way for 20 years...and almost always gets his deer and elk. He goes to the same spot bordering private land....a funnel in which the elk flee to on their way to private ground when the pressure comes.

However, I would venture to say (excluding trophy managed units requiring years of pref points)that most larger bulls are killed still hunting during bow season, via the bugle and cow calling verses standing a particular spot. The nature of still hunting and calling allows you to cover so much more territory, up to several miles in one morning, verses trying to pinpoint EXACTLY where a bull might be.

But that is the biggest difference between gun and bow season. Bow allows you to see and get close to so many more elk while gun season finds elk running for their lives and becoming "ghostlike".

If you plan on a stand/ambush tactic........look for one in a funnel type situation where elk will "flee" when pressured, such as one that borders private land or a nasty hole that is their santuary.

Good luck and stay with it!
The places I like to look for when rifle season opens, is those little holes that are kind of hard to get to, unless you don't mind packing them out, which I don't. They escape into these little sanctuaries and pretty much act as if they are unpressured. I got my last bull this way..Also was into a lot of them bow hunting this year because of it. This method doe's take a lot of leg work though.... :D

I hear ya, on the bow hunting and bugling. I was "trained" on the proper use of a cow call while in Colorado. Before I left I blew into the call and it sounded like a ruptured duck, lol. I learned fast, the proper way to use the call.

One "theory" as to why the elk were so quiet while we where there was that they already had their harems and weren't looking for more cows. In 10 days I only had one cow return a call and I never heard a bull call back. The local used his Bugle Call and nothing, never a response. He was beside himself as to why.

Have a good one,

funny how the elk can act so different in just a hundred miles we had bulls bugeling almost every day i was there. the sunday night of season the kept us awake almost all night. we also use the ambush method worked well for us this year but having hunted the area before we had a good idea where they go when the shooting starts glad to see you enjoyed yourself hope you have many more great hunts
Shaky, Thats what hunting is all about. to have an experience of a lifetime. Yeah, I leave my keys in the truck too.
I started hunting elk, kinda by accident as I was bowhunting for deer. It took 13 years before I finally arrowed one. I've done very well since. I met a hunter from No. Carolina this year. he took a 290 bull first day out on his very first elk hunt. I expect this person may never appreciate his quarry as much as I do. Elk are a trophy to be desired because they are intelligent, have incredible senses and have an uncanny ability to hide in miles and miles of forest. Sure, you would have liked to get one, but thats huntin' You'll appreciate it all that much more when you finally do get one.
Bikemaker..That has been my expeirence...I lived in Wa. for years and never scored on one that I could keep. I got one once, but it went sour because I had never had any one to show me different...But I appreciate every one I get now I'll tell you what... :D

This meadow where I saw the elk was a good spot for an ambush. The reason I say that is: There wasn't anybody hunting it because it is a mile walk to get to and there is a cliff off the one side. There is a steep draw where the elk could bed during mid day and access via people is very tough to get to. Your input as to go where people won't is the reason why I went to "that" meadow. That, and the fact that the local I was with told me of the geography of that meadow. The meadow is about 1/2 mile in diameter and is difficult to get to, by people, other then this 1 mile walk thru the woods which most decided not to take.

Because not many would walk that far (thru the woods) to get to that meadow and because there are cliffs off the opposite side I figured it "May" be a good place to ambush elk. I was right, they were out there one night but I saw them to late - it sure was burning daylight fast. I did have the crosshairs on them and could see their outline but it was to dark to see antlers. I could only see their outline. Not being sure of which were bulls and which were cows - because of the darkness - I didn't shoot. I refuse to shoot unless I know exactly what it is I am shooting.

Had I had my radio on I would of probaly had elk in the freezer or at the very least had the opportunity to kill one. My mistake, that day. The local guy watched them for 30 minutes - while it was still light - before I entered the edge of the meadow. He wasn't hunting, had no rifle and was jumping up and down (figuratively) saying, shoot, shoot shoot. Because I couldn't tell a bull from a cow I didn't shoot. In my mind, I made the right call.

There will hopefully be other opportunities in the future.

I take solice in the fact that I had a great time out with good friends.

Have a good one,

You need to go spend the night by that field, not to close, and get them at first light. Or try and set up closer, when they come out in the field in the eve, you be out there already and take your pick. You should maybe be able to be close enough before dark to get one then. I don't know though. This daylight savings time may mess their whole scheds up any way..LOL... :D

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