My brothers Moose


Well-known member
Nov 2, 2008
Bozeman, Montana
I thought I'd share some pictures of my brother and his good friend. They spotted this guy and new he'd make the 50" cut.

Packing the horns and some of the extra meat. High kneeing through the dwarf birch will get the legs burning.

The bull ended up being 59"

Here's a shot of just what you're dealing with once you knock one down.:eek: Personally I think anyone who shoots a moose far from a road is a little loopy. I guess that makes my brother and his friend a lot loopy.
Some people will do anything once.If he does it again then you can call him loopy.It would be hard not to shoot that bull.At least he didn't try it solo.
That's scary big, especially when it's coming out on your back. Congrat to your loopy brother, that thing is awesome.
This is his second. His friend has killed few as well. None are ever very close to roads. Yea they are whacked
That's a great bull!! Yeah, when you walk up to one, you're like "what in the hell did we just get ourselves into?". Good for your bro!
I'll try not to type with my toes this time. You do know the iphone has a small key pad. lol

That's one hell of a moose .A ton of table fare, and great memories.

How far in that knee deep stuff were they? I know if I had the chance I'd be a little loopy also. I'm sure you would be in the thick of it too.
Packing that on your back is not a good idea. They need one of those 6 wheel ATV/swamp buggy things, or a crane helicopter to get that out.
Congrats to your brother on a nice bull. To me, moose hunting is reserved for young or old hunters. Since I'm not a young hunter anymore, I'll wait until I'm old and then talk a couple young, dumb hunters to go with me to pack... ;)
Looking at Shiras all the time, big Alaskan bulls like that look just unbelievable to me. Both rack and body wise.

Congrats to your brother.
He told me that from the front knee cut off to the top of the front quarter was almost five feet. I also think on his last one he said that the rear quarter with bone in is around 150 pounds. That just seems insane
Imagine shooting one in an area where you are required to bring the meat out on the bone....
I thought he said his area was that way. The picture of him and the meat is neck and briscut meat. I think in this area your required to haul the 4 quarters out with the bone in.
There you go. I would have liked to see a photo with one of those hams on a pack! :D
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