My biggest whitetail


I hear ya on the $$$ issue. Don't really have that option myself either. Have a few ideas of whom I'd use if I did though.

While we're on the subject of whities, I'll post my best buddy/hunting partners best whity thus far.


Not too shabby, eh! :D
Nice deer pics everyone. Why did it take sooo long to get your head back from the taxidermest, Zamboniman????? He looks good on the ground and on the wall. :D
Quick Draw
Both great bucks ya'll. Congrats to both.

If Gr$$n is not a problem and you want a giant mule deer take a look at these. 55% of all the bucks they kill on this hunt make B&C


Duration: 6 day Mexico hunt
Price: $4,500 + $3,000 trophy fee upon kill
License: $550
My best whitetail was taken in 2000. I knew an area 30 minutes out of town that has produced some nice bucks in the past. We're only allowed Thursday to Saturday hunting in this area. Wed. afternoon the temp dropped and it started to snow a little so I told my boss I'd be a little late coming in the next day but I'd be in by noon. He asked what was up so I told him I was going on a quick morning hunt. He said no problem as long as I picked him up at 6:00 to go along. We spotted the bigger buck at the same time and flipped to see who would pull a stalk on it. He lost so he dropped me off and drove to the back side of the 1/4 just incase I spooked it off the field. I gave him some time to get around and into position and started crawling the fence line. When I was getting ready to pull on my buck I heard a shot from the back side of the property. My buck stood up and looked that way and I let him have it. Turns out the boss spotted his buck bedded along another fenceline and shot it in it's sleep. We were back at work by noon.By the way thats the boss in the orange. I suggested he wear that so I didn't mistake him for a deer.

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