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My biggest whitetail

This is the after picture of him on the wall in the family room. Just got the head back in 2004! I can tell you which taxidermist NOT to go to...
This stunning little Christmas vignette... and there're your feet kicked up on the Barca-lounger. You might be a redneck if.... :D

Just joshing bro. Looks good.
Awesome tine length. What does that bad boy score?

You got yourself a wolf there? :D :eek:
very nice whitey--6 frickin years to get the mount--I think I'd have the taxidermist's head right underneath the whitey--how come it took so long???---chris
Now thats a peaceful looking scene...kinda like a Terry Redlin print :)

nice neck on that whitey...that boy's a brute!
Not sure of the score, the taxidermist said 166 but I don't think so. He was 6 1/2 years old. It took so long because he was doing all the fish for the new Cabela's stores that were going up or so he says... It almost took me as long to get that fireplace finished, lucky my head isn't up there on the wall too!
Man that looks pretty good, so I take it your not going to use that guy again, need to do some digging and see if I can find some pictures of 2 of my Mn whitetail, it is one of the things I miss since being in Alaska
mtmiller, not a wolf. big North Dakota coyote.
300, where in Mn where you from? I have some friends up in Alaska in Eagle River and Kenai.
Nice buck.... But nicer truck in the Background. Don't let these Dodge boys tell you any different !!!
My Biggest Whitetail

finally a topic I can post a photo on. here is mine being scored


and in the field.


I got him in kansas where I grew up with a muzzleloader any deer tag in unit 2. I was going for a Muley, and could not find anything big enough to shoot so I lucked into this whitetail.
arcat, heck of a nice buck, nice smokepole too I love my Omega. We can't use scopes up here in MN.
Moosie, yeah I loved that truck and never should have parted with it. It was a 94' and had 150k on it and still ran like a top. Have an 02' GMC 1/2t now with only 30k on it and have had the 4x4 out three times the rear end once and the leather seats all have been replaced. The warranty just ran out and I'm thinking it's time to change again..
Thanks I love the omega also. They make you use a muzzleloader if you are a non resident and want to hunt muleys, but with an omega, its just a 200 yard rifle.
Nice whities guys.

I too have a love affair w/ an Omega.

What did that Kansas buck score? That's a big 4x4...

Do you have an email address? I have a couple of suggestions to run by you for you and your buddy if Gr$$N isn't really an issue in the mulie department..

I sent you a pm with my email. green is a big issue with me but not my buddy. hes a great friend, so we make it work. send me the info and we'll take a look at it.
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