My 2024 Iowa season

Got together with my buddy chad for a day on the ice. Got out on Clear lake about 8 30 and fished the big lake for 4 hours.


Started by the reeds and got a bunch of dink perch.


Moved into the reeds and no bites there. Decided to move out to deeper water and found a few small yellow bass.


Decided to move over to the small lake on the upper end. Did alot of moving around and found the mother load of yellow bass. Was alot of fun but almost all small. Chad kept about 6 for a meal and all other fish were returned to the lake. Called it quits right before sun down. It was a great day out with an old friend.
There’s been guys on Bussey. I talked to one guy that said it was about 4” thick there too. Yesterday and today may hurt the ice but I think it will still be capped over.
By the time we got off the lake yesterday there was about half inch of water on top of the ice. Today is not going to help any.
There’s been guys on Bussey. I talked to one guy that said it was about 4” thick there too. Yesterday and today may hurt the ice but I think it will still be capped over.
I heard there were some guys out last weekend, but it couldn’t have been that thick.