PEAX Equipment

My 2012 Dall Sheep

This thread is still a disappointment. WDH had a photographer with mad skills with him for the hero shots and we get to see beans………………………………
This thread is still a disappointment. WDH had a photographer with mad skills with him for the hero shots and we get to see beans………………………………

Hey now I posted more pics then I ever intended to. Ill post more when you guys start posting stuff up. Instead I get the forwarded pics via email.

Also there are more pics on facebook.
This thread is still a disappointment. WDH had a photographer with mad skills with him for the hero shots and we get to see beans………………………………

Speaking of disappointments. Still waiting for someone to post picts of his hunt and the little friends.
Dink is likely packing out a giant CO archery bull right now, cause that's how he rolls.
Its true, Wyo and I had intentions of taking two fullcurls, double complete all the way. For a number of reasons that didnt happen. We got his but I had to go back for mine, I just returned from that trip.

The 2013 countdown is on.
Great looking ram, Drifter. Congrats, and thanks for sharing the photo. easy on the trigger finger next time or it'll take you awhile to learn to shoot lefty.
2 great rams for sure! Looks like the weather was a bit nicer the 1st go around but glad you could pull it off. Congrats once again to both of you!
What kind of perv would want to see the balls of an 8 year old?

Hair on. Neck shot, short roll..bloody mess. I brought the cape out anyway, great hair on sheep up there this time of year.
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