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My 2007 Dall Sheep Hunt

Yeah, got to agree that is a great report with a classic outcome. Well done.
Regarding the 'bare chested' photo, are there no nasties (insects) in them parts. Try that in our hills and the sand flies alone will leave you looking like some freak show character. Awesome pics BTW.
Awesome story and ram, Ovis! Sorry I couldn't catch up with you in Eagle River. I was at dinner when you left that message, and had to get stuff organized after that, as we left the next morning. I'm envious of the incredible weather you had.

Few skeeters out, but weren't biting.


Welcome back...heard the weather in the Chugachs was hell. I'm in Virginia right now. Looking forward to hearing the details.
Ovis, that is a great Dall. You and Oak have got me fired up something bad to spend an absurd amount of money to come to Alaska. Congratulations on an awesome hunt and a great trophy!
I no I am late posting but just had to respond.I am new to this site. Great story, Awesome sheep, beautiful pictures. That would be a dream for me to hunt Alaska. Maybe someday! knew I was feeling left out with all the attention Oak was getting. :) You're gonna have great time on your hunt. Tell us again what range you're hunting.
Talkeetna range. Going with Jake Jefferson.

Golly, I'll be happy with any mature ram, but I'd giggle like a school girl if I got a crack at a ram like yours.
That would be one range I haven't hunted for sheep yet. Jake seems like a good dude. I especially like his line of gangster hats <rib, rib>. Maybe he can posts some of his sheep hunting pics. I know he is lethal with the brownies. Come on Jake, post some pics...
I musta missed this whole thread when I was out of area last year...

Way to go and major congrats on your sheep Jim...

Very beautiful pics an great story... :)
Congrats again! Just looking at the photos again, and being jealous about how far down in the green your ram was. ;)
Thanks Elkchsr! Oak, don't hate...I've climbed many mountains in search of rams only to come home empty handed. I wasn't too upset this was as easy as they get for sheep hunting.