New member

I shot this little 3 x 3 buck on sat. oct.6th 2002.
Steve and I were camping in an area we know real well,but because of some change's in the area over the year's we knew we needed to start hunting it different then we used to.
The area has suffered some big bug kill's over the year's,then was logged pretty heavy.
We had talked about where we wanted to be and how we should hunt it.
Steve was waiting for the late archery season so I was the only one hunting that day.
We had taken another week off and the plan was to stay and hunt the whole time untill I found something I wanted to shoot.
We had taken off at first light and was hunting a different side of the Mt. from how we used to hunt this unit,it was all new to us but we knew the animals were not in the same places as past years,and we knew if I was to get anything we were going to have to change the way we hunt this area.
We had been walking slow and stopping to glass along the way ,seeing some tracks and game trails we came to a small bowl and as we stopped to glass I spotted a deer feeding at the top.
Steve had stopped and was looking another area over when I spotted the deer at the top of this bowl ,as I whispered to Steve that there was a deer right up there so dont move fast,he turned but there was a pine tree blocking his view.
I took another look and could see it was a buck so I got ready to shoot.
The deer at that time turned and started to move towards the tree's into cover,(he still hadnt seen us ).
As I got set up he stopped just for a sec. I shot had he started to run down the hill but still towards the tree's.
Then he stopped and looked around,I fired one more time and he took off into the of the tree's and I lost sight of him.
Steve could not see the deer the first time I shot but the second time it was in full view and he saw it hit and said it was a good one.
Both shot's felt right but the buck still ran.
We worked up a way's with the hope of seeing him piled up ,but we saw no sign on him.
Steve decided to work up to the top and go around the other side of the tree's and I would stay set up watching the opening's where we last saw the deer go in.
He found him down just inside the cover of the tree's.
I had missed with the first shot ,but as luck would have it, he had given me a second shot and that one was good.
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-16-2002 13:48: Message edited by: Muledeer4me ]</font>